Chapter 12: My Great Expectations

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Alright I finally reached 100 votes guys! That's so awesome! Thank you for all the support on this story, it means a lot.  Again, comments don't go unnoticed and if you ever want to talk you can always message me or comment.  This chapter is dedicated to lover51 for coming out to her friends and family about her sexuality.  She was very brave to tell her readers on Wattpad about it and I'm very proud.  Go read her story! It's called Hannily - Bestfriends of more.  Alright enjoy the chapter!


Alison's POV

The picnic with Emily was surprisingly nice.  We ate my sandwiches, fed each other strawberries, and just had a great time.  It was totally worth skipping that dumb charity fair I told my mom I'd go to.  She's gonna kill me when I get home though.  I wipe my feet on the matt and walk in, putting my keys on the kitchen counter.  I go to my room for a while reading and then decide it's time to talk to my mother.  I take a deep breath and walk into the den.

"Hey Mom," I say to her. She just sits on the wingback chair and stares at me icily.  I guess I know where I got that look from.

"Hey Mom? That's all you have to say to me?  You know where you were supposed to be today, what was so important that you had to tarnish your reputation? And mine for that matter!" Mother stands up and walks toward me. 

"Do you know how stupid I looked, calling you up to stage and having no one appear? Do you know how bad it looks that I didn't know where my own daughter was?" She's now standing toe to toe with me.  But I'm not some sort of Beta wolf that just rolls over for the Alpha to rip into my underbelly.  I can play right up there with the big dogs.

"I was at church, keeping up with my reputation.  Where were you this morning? Making cold calls, putting in countless dollars to make it look like you actually cared about this charity.  Do you even know what the charity is?" I ask her, using the same bitch tone that she taught me.  Like mother, like daughter.

"That's beside the point," so she doesn't know.  Typical. "Church doesn't last for a whole day, what were you doing after?" She asks me.

"I went to Emily's, we had a picnic in the park," i say flippantly, not really caring that she knows I blew her off.

"Aww so cute, I can't help but think it sounds like a date," she mocks me with a patronizing tone.

"It's not like that, she's just a friend," I tell my mother, getting really pissed at her.

"Really? I see the way she looks at you, and I know you see it too.  She's interested in you and you take her on date like activities? Either you're interested in her too, or you are doing exactly what I taught you.  Taking advantage of an opportunity in front of you," when she says it like that, it makes me feel dirty.  I wasn't planning on taking it very far, but Mother is assuming that I would practically ruin her life for me.

"It's not like that," I say through my teeth.

"Alright, but I will not let my daughter choose a disgusting lifestyle when she has so much going for her. You will not spend anymore one on one time with her, or people will start to notice," She says and starts to walk away, like usual, but I won't let her.  This time I will get the last word.

"She's my best friend, it's gonna look worse if I just completely drop her.  And why so homophobic all of a sudden? I thought you'd feel differently since you brought home that mousy hoo-" I can't even finish my sentence because my mother's hand connects painfully with my cheek.  The momentum knocks me to the floor and I touch my face, shocked.  I look at her with wide eyes and she looks back at me with cold eyes.

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