Chapter 35: First is the Worst

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Hey guys, I've had this one in the works for a while and I'm finally happy with it after much editing and rewriting.  This chapter is dedicated to emisonshipperjc for writing two kick-ass stories.  Go check 'em out, one is called Emison-Finally Together? and the other is The Cheerleader.  This chapter's playlist is:

"Hallelujah" Paramore

"Before He Cheats" Carrie Underwood

"Eighteen Inches" Lauren Alaina

"Like You Could Have it All" The Grates

"That's What You Get" Paramore

"Here We Go Again" Paramore

"Each Coming Night" Iron and Wine

"Suggestions," Orelia Has Orchestra


Emily's POV

Monday brings on a new host of horrors.  I have a ton of schoolwork due because summer is finally over.  The first day of school means the first day of getting up at 6:00, the first day of dealing with teachers, the first day of swim.  At least it means the first day of not having to worry about seeing Alison. It's been three days since I saw her outside Mafiosos and I've been doing everything in my power to keep it that way.  I've avoided places that I know she loves like the bakery, the Grill, and most importantly, the library.  So far I've done a great job, so I think she might be doing the same.

When I walk through the "hallowed halls," I see my friends gathered in our usual spot.  I walk like a zombie up to them and they nod, acknowledging my presence.  I open my old locker and start putting all my stuff away.  It feels like I'm back in prison and I'm putting my personal belongings in the evidence crate.

"So who's ready for their junior year?" Aria asks and we all glare at her.  None of us are in the mood to discuss being upper classmen.  The title comes with foreign responsibilities like SATs, ACTs, and college visits.  Sounds so fun.

We tromp to our first class of the day and take our usual seats.  Spencer sits in the front row with Aria two behind her next to Noel, and Hanna and I sitting in the back corner.  This English class is my only AP so I can already tell that this period is gonna suck.  As we pull out our summer reading and other materials for class, we can hear our teacher start speaking.

"Alright class, my name is Mr. Fitz and I will be your new English teacher," he says in a honey sweet voice.  Every girl in the room shoots their head up to see if the face matches the voice and it does.  His brown curly hair flops messily over his forehead and his perfectly white smile gives him a sort of boyish charm.  I can see Aria actually drooling on her desk, someone has a crush on their English teacher.

'There will be a new student joining us today, rather rejoining us.  Everyone welcome Alison Dilaurentis back to Rosewood High," Mr. Fitz says as Alison walks into the room.  Crap.

Why would she come back? She'll never be normal, she'll always be the girl who came back from the dead.  But come to think of it, it's just like Alison to come back because she'll be the center of attention again.  She's wearing a tight purple dress and her usual smirk as she walks down the desk aisles and takes a seat next to Noel.

"Hey Noel, been a while," she says seductively and it looks like he's having trouble keeping his little friend calm.

"Sure has Alison," he says huskily with a predatory smile on his face. "That's a nice dress you have on."

"Hmm, it's a shame that it's gonna stay on, isn't it?" she says with a wink.

"Alright, that's enough you two.  It's time to start class so everyone take out the Scarlet Letter," Mr. Fitz says, cutting off their little flirt fest.

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