Chapter 3: From Mad to Mac and Cheese

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I stared into her ice blue eyes and was completely and utterly tongue-tied. Like I was completely at a loss for words. I hate it when Ali is mad at me. I never like disappointing her since her opinion of me matters to a lot of people.

"What are you talking about Ali?"

"Are you kidding me? Ben asked you out and you didn't even tell me? Do you know who I had to find out from? Naomi and Riley. Do you know how embarrassing that was for me? I always have the latest gossip and it's even worse that you're in my group and I had to find out from them. Are you going to explain yourself or are you gonna keep gaping at me like a fish out of water?"

I hate it when Ali compares me to a fish. It's like she makes my identifier swimming and I think I'm more important than just swimming.

"Ali I haven't seen you all day. He only asked me out at the beginning of the day and it's been 2 periods."

"Oh really and you just happened to tell the whole school on your way to PE? Bullshit Emily."

Oh gosh. I'm already 5 minutes late so I better make this quick.

"Hanna ran into me in the hallway to talk to me about lunch at your place an I told her. You know how Hanna is, she spreads news faster than a tabloid. And I guess I also kind of screamed it in the hallway when telling her. I'm really sorry and trust me right after he asked me out the first thought I had was to come tell you."

"Alright you're forgiven. Are you coming for lunch?"

Oh no I'm going right back into the furnace with this one.

"No I'm sorry Ali but Ben and I have plans to go to the Grill for lunch."

Although her face is heart-shaped, Ali's face twisted into a cold, heartless expression.

"I see," Alison says using her bitch tone, “Well when you have time for you're best friends again, we'll be waiting for you. Actually now that I think about it, this is a pretty tight knit group, so you better decide who's more important because we can always find a replacement."

And with that Ali storms out of the locker room, her heels clicking on the tile like a chisel, carving at my heart. A replacement? I didn't know that hanging out with your boyfriend called for ostracism from your friend group. I don't want to lose my friends, but I think disappointing Ali is what hurt the most.


PE finally ended and I'm on the hunt for Ali.  I'll do anything to make it better; I don't want to be replaced.  As I'm trying to locate the girl with the blonde locks, curled to perfection, I run into Ben.  

        "Hey babe you ready to go to the Grill? If we leave now we'll beat the lunch rush."

Oh gosh I want to go so bad but I really need to make things right with Alison, the fate of my friends group hangs in the balance!  Then again, they might have already left for Alison's so maybe I can just go now and finish early, that way I can swing by her place on the way back.

        "Yeah I'm ready, let's go now though.  I have to swing by Alison's on the way back to school."

        "Totally, I can drop you off after lunch.  I'm kind of disappointed though, I thought I could have you all to myself for the whole lunch period."

Aww Ben is such a sweetheart.  His words melt my resolve to go see Ali but then I remember her threat in the locker room and once again, it's solid as a rock."

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