Chapter 29: How Do I Date You?

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I don't want to start out on a sour note guys, but I'm a little disappointed. You guys comment and message me all the time saying "update update update!" but when I ask for something in return, that's not even that difficult, I get honestly TWO responses. That's just sad, it takes about 10 seconds to just tell me your favorite line or passage but instead you just ignore me. I'm gonna give you guys another chance to answer the same question and hopefully we can try this again because I'm really excited about this. I also know that I didn't really explain it clearly so I'm going to restate it. If you guys tell me your favorite line, quote, or passage from my story I will write a scene that is ALREADY WRITTEN in the opposite POV. For example, if you guys want to see the kiss scene from chapter 26 in Alison's POV I will do that for you guys. Sorry from the rant, the dedication will be at the end. Enjoy the chapter


Emily's POV

Alison and I didn't hang out much after we became official. I was in desperate need to hit the gym and I could tell that Ali really needed some sleep. I gave her one last kiss before I head out and drive to school. I do some weights and a couple of different circuits before going to the natatorium and hopping in the pool.

I missed the way it felt to have my body cut through the water like a bullet. I missed feeling unbeatable and unstoppable. Nothing can ever make me feel how I feel when I swim. It's indescribable. It's also a time where I can think. The fact that my body is practically a machine when I swim that needs no thought for my motions, frees up my mind to think about issues that I have in my life now.

I miss the girls. God I miss them so much, but I miss Hanna more than anything. All of us are super close, but there is a special connection between Hanna and me. We just click. That's why she frustrates me more than anyone else ever could. I feel like this fight is so petty and pointless, considering I've already forgiven Ali, and it's about time that someone grows some balls and addresses the situation. I've never been good at confrontation but this time it's on me. I wasn't exactly the one in the wrong but I am the one with the mindset to fix the situation, so that's what I'm going to do.

With this decision at the forefront of my mind, I jump out of the pool and grab my things. I head to Hanna's house and I'm not even out of my car before she meets me in the driveway.

"I'm sorry," she blurts out really fast with tears in her eyes.

"Me too," I choke out before pulling her into a hug. We just stayed like that for a while, neither of us saying anything because we didn't need to. We know each other well enough to know exactly what we meant and were thinking by a simple "I'm sorry." I pull away and wipe the tears from my eyes as she does the same, both of us softly laughing at how big of babies we are.

"Is it sad that I missed you and it's only been a day?" Hanna asks me rhetorically, laughing at our attachment to each other.

"No because I did too," I say with a smile.

"Come on, there's a freakie foodies marathon on right now and you interrupted me," Hanna says before running back inside. Typical. I shake my head and chuckle before following her inside. It feels good to have my best friend back.


Alison's POV

After Emily left, I was hit with a wave of uncertainty. What I did back there was so unlike me, I don't even know what came over me. Do I really even want this? I feel good when I'm with Emily, but I don't want to have this doubt every time she leaves. Is it just because I missed her while I was away, or is it because I feel something real for her. I'm definitely too tired to think these thoughts right now, I need to catch up on some much needed sleep.

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