Chapter 6: Pancakes, Boob Jobs, McDonalds Oh My!

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A/N This chapter is dedicated to fragile_diamond because she has taken such a personal interest in my story.  She's given me some pretty solid ideas and I really appreciate her input to my story.  Thanks so much! Go read her story Emison: The Truth is Untold because it's pretty good;) Alright enjoy! 

PS- I know the lake scene is from the show so no I didn't steal it since I'm telling you right now the dialogue is not mine.  Now enjoy:)

I woke up the next morning and instantly freeze.  I thought Ali was behind me when I feel asleep. Well obviously that’s not the case anymore because my arm is wrapped securely around Ali's waist and her legs tangled in with mine.  When I try to move my arm without waking Ali, I realize I can't because she has intertwined our fingers with her hand over mine.  Why did I need to move again? Because this is damn comfortable.

I lay there for about 20 minutes just listening to her steady breathing when my stomach starts growling.  Dang I'm so hungry.  I start to untangle my legs from Ali's and she groans.  Crap I woke her up.

"Mhhmm stop moving I'm sleepy." Ali's voice is caked with sleep and it makes it that much more attractive.  Contrary to public belief girls’ morning voices can be just as sexy as boys.

"Ali," I whine, "I'm hungry and I can't get up."

"But I'm so damn comfortable," Alison whines right back at me. "Ugh fine but we better have a feast if you're making me come with you."

Wow that was easier than I thought.  Ali always gets her way. We disentangle ourselves and head downstairs for breakfast.  

"Alright pancakes or waffles? Your choice Fields." Ali turns around and starts rummaging around her pantry for the mix.

"Pancakes," I say while jumping up on Ali's counter.  She hates when we try to help her cook and for good reason.  Ali makes really good food all by herself.

"Hey wanna text the girls to meet us at the lake, say around noon?" Ali's starts putting all the ingredients in a bowl so I grab my phone and text the girls.

'How does a lake day at noon sound?' I text everyone and instantly start getting responses saying they'll see us there.

"All settled, they'll be there," I tell Ali as she starts putting the mix in a pan.

"Alright cool. What time do you need to go see your boy toy?" Ali's tone takes on a harsh edge.  Why does she hate Ben so much? She seems to act hostile whenever he gets brought up.

"Umm six I think.  Can you drive me?"

"No but you can take my car to meet him.  Just bring it back here and walk home." Ali's tone has a sense of finality to it, like she doesn't want to discuss Ben anymore.  She's now finished the pancakes and puts them all on a plate.  

"Wow these look really good Ali," I always forget that Ali has many talents. 

"Don't even think about touching those until I'm done," Alison warns me.

She walks to her fridge and grabs the strawberries and whip cream.  She comes back and puts a perfect dollop of whip cream on it with a strawberry on top and all around the bottom.

"Bon appetite ma Cherrie!" Ali's tone is proud, like she gets satisfaction by doing little things like making breakfast.

"Wait! One more thing." Ali puts her finger in the whip creams and puts it on my nose.  I laugh and give her some whip cream dimples. Then it turns into an all out war with Ali spraying me with whipped cream and me chucking strawberries at her.  By the time we're done, the kitchen is a mess but we don't care.  We are laughing like crazy, rolling around on the floor in the mess we made.  Times like these make me step back and realize Alison is a real person and not just an icon people make her out to be. 

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