Chapter 2: The Square of My Life

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"Jeez, Aria can you come down a couple notches? The bats were having trouble hearing you at that pitch." You can always count on Spencer with for her witty comebacks and biting humor.

"But for real Emily tell us what happened that is so important we had to all be together to hear it." Hanna's curiosity of the situation makes me wonder what exactly Ali told them to get them all here.

"Ok well so yesterday after swimming the new kid Ben asked me on a date and I just got back from it. It was the single most perfect thing that has ever happened to me. Can you be in love after one date because if you can I accomplished that and if you can't, I just made it possible."

"Whoa slow down there Em, earlier today you were saying you weren't even sure if you were that into him. What did he do to get you to start acting like a giddy little school girl?"

Oh Ali if only you could've seen it. After the flood of questions awkwardness, I started to get back into speaking like a normal person, rather than someone on crack.

"Well it started off a little awkward because I literally had no control over the flood of words coming out of my mouth. After that though, we just started talking and he is the perfect gentleman. He was so courteous and we have a lot in common other than swimming. I think he might be the one guys."

"Oh puh-lease borringgg. He sounds like a total square Em! Can you think outside the box for once and doing something unexpected and spontaneous?"

Well that certainly surprised me. I knew I wasn't as spontaneous as someone like Ali but I didn't realize I was that boring. If Ali thinks that I'm boring she might dump me for someone cooler to add to the group, and that can absolutely not happen. I don't know what I would do without my girls.

"He's really sweet. Once you guys know him, you'll see."

"I think he sounds really cool Em. When can we meet him?" Aria was always the caring one.

"Thanks Aria it means a lot. Well once we become official I'll introduce you guys. Sound cool?"

"Yeah sure whatever now lets party!!" Yep Ali's good girl phase is definitely over.


On the way to school I couldn't control the swarm of butterflies in my stomach. I was so excited to see Ben after our date it almost hurt. I wanted to see if we'd go on another or if he'd ask me to be his girlfriend. Ali would flip.

"Hey Emily you get home alright last night?"

Ben's buttery voice makes my knees go weak and my brain go fuzzy.

"Yeah but I went to Ali's after not my home. Do you know Alison? 
Dilaurentis?" I was curious if he asked me on a date because he liked me or because he liked that I'm close with Alison and this was the most discrete way of finding out I could think of.

"Not personally but everyone knows her. I see you and the rest of her posse around sometimes. Why do you hang out with them? They can be really mean to people"

What he said wasn't a lie and we all knew it, but it still hurt. I mean, no one sets out to be mean but sometimes it's like Ali doesn't have a heart. She picks on the weak and the weird and just goes to town on their self-esteem. She's cruel to everyone, even us her best friends. She also has the power to make you feel important and needed. But the fact that we don't stop her from bullying other kids is pretty disgusting. We don't like it but we don't stop it.

"Well Alison can be like that, but once you get to know her, she can be really sweet."

For some reason, I feel the need to defend Ali's honor. I guess that's why the girls call me killer, as in Ali's personal pitbull. I'm always the one to go to her rescue, so to speak.

"Alright well I had something I wanted to ask you if you have a minute?"

I'm so nervous I can barely choke out a sure without hyperventilating.

"Listen I had a lot of fun last night and I want to keep seeing you. I think I should just come out and ask. Will you be my girlfriend?"

Ok now there is no stopping the hyperventilating. I'm just about ready to pass out but then I realize I have to answer or we won't actually be official.

"Of course I'll be your girlfriend but I'm just wondering. What's the rush to ask me out for? We just went on our first date last night."

"Well I just wanted to get you while I could. Didn't want another knight in shining armor to come steal you away I guess."

"Aww that's so sweet. Listen I got to get to class but maybe we can catch lunch at the grill later?"

Is it to forward to ask a guy to a lunch date? Stupid Emily you're supposed to wait for him to do that!

"Yeah definitely. Catch ya later babe."

Aww babe that's cute. I'll have to tell Ali about how we are now officially official!  On my way to gym I see Hanna who approaches me her usual bouncy self.

"Hey Em I was just looking for you. Ali wanted us all to eat lunch at her house today sound good?"

Hanna looks at my expectantly, I'm usually the one jumping up and down when we have plans. What can I say? I love my friends. I'm about to say sounds like a plan when I remember I made plans with Ben, my new boyfriend.

"Sorry Han, I sort of made plans with Ben for lunch at the grill. But guess what happened????"

I'm practically screaming at this point but I don't care, I'm excited about my news.

"Oh well we'll miss you. What happened that has you acting like a hyperactive baby squirrel?"

"Oh thanks Han real sweet. But not even your sarcastic remarks can put a damper on my day because BEN JUST ASKED ME TO BE HIS GIRLFRIEND!"

I really am screaming now but I don't care. I want everyone to know that Ben and I are officially a thing.

"Whoa that was fast Em! I'm so happy for you! He's really cute. Have you told the others yet?"

"No he only asked me out like last period but I will later. I have to get gym. See you later!"

As I walk into the locker room I get many comments on my new relationship with Ben. People I don't even know about this relationship. I guess we're a big deal now. Just as I put in my locker combo and start getting out my gym clothes, the door is slammed closed, almost cutting of my fingers.

"What the Hell?!?! You almost cut off my friggin fingers!"

"I thought we were best friends but obviously not because you don't even bother to tell me what going on in your life anymore Emily."

Uh oh.

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