Chapter 26: Anger is Passion

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Hey guys, I'm really sorry about the problems with last chapter, I was having bad internet connection so it was just a struggle. Anyway, this chapter is dedicated to Sasha_Is_My_Angel because she also posted a really nice comment on chapter 24 and she deserves some recognition for thatJ Complimenting my writing style and flow makes me happy because it makes me feel like I could actually go somewhere with my writing. It's honestly never been something I considered pursuing, mostly just a hobby. But since Wattpad, I feel like maybe I can be an author on the side hahaha. Ok, enough from me, enjoy the chapter:P


Hanna's POV

We were all pretty pissed at Alison for running away and letting us think she was dead. But we all wanted answers, so when Mrs. Dilaurentis asked us to come over for some more questioning, we all knew what we had to do. We had to go over there and figure out what we did to make her leave us.

When Alison arrived, we were surprised to see Emily with her. Granted, it didn't look like they were being too friendly but after the way Emily stormed out of here, we didn't think she would sit down for another tea party with Tanner and Alison.

Speaking of Alison, she looks incredibly awkward with the current situation. No one at here is exactly her best friend right now, so she must feel like she has no one in her corner. Good, she's the one that left us. She apparently doesn't need us.

"Hello Alison," Tanner says with mock friendliness.

"Hello Officer Tanner," Alison replies icily.

"It's Lieutenant," Tanner spits out. Well this already looks messy.

"Right, so what did you want to know?" Ali pulls a chair out and takes a seat across from us. Emily sits next to Ali, but hesitantly. Like she's unsure of where she belongs now.

"Well, I almost closed your case when I remembered the condition you came back to us in," Tanner opens what looks like Ali's hospital file and starts to read it. "You had a gash on your leg that needed 12 stitches, a fractured cheekbone, 3 broken ribs, and some internal bleeding in your liver. How do you explain that Alison?"

"I got hit by a car," she says flippantly. Her eyes are cold and her expression is unreadable, but her hands are fidgeting. I glance under the table to see what she's doing and I almost fall out of my chair. She's reaching for Emily's hand and when Emily realizes she intertwines their fingers, but doesn't move otherwise. I nudge Spencer to look under the table and whisper in her ear.

"Are they together now?" I ask her but she just looks at me and shrugs. Meanwhile, Aria is completely oblivious to anything going on around her. Typical.

"But see that doesn't match with the patterns of your bruising," the Lieutenant says. I had almost forgotten what was going on in the light of my new revelation.

"What are you talking about," Ali snaps, but I know her better. She's afraid, I can see it in her eyes.

"Well, if you had been hit by a car, you would have one major bruise, and some smaller ones from hitting the ground. But you have 6 bruises scattered along your left side and none anywhere else. How do you explain that?" Tanner has a sick smile on her face, she knows she has Ali cornered.

"I don't know, maybe the car had some stuff on the hood. Maybe I don't bruise that easy and I only got some from the impact of the car. Maybe you should focus on finding the car that hit me instead of questioning me in my own house!" Ali screams, standing up to her full height. Emily looks up at Ali, shocked at her outburst, and the rest of us our silent. This is not good.

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