Chapter 10: Being Designated Driver Has Its Perks

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This chapter is dedicated to SpemilyTacosEmison who I'm not even sure if she's reading my book but I read hers and its just fantastic.  It stays true to the characters and has a really good plot.  Go read it! It's called My Favourite so go check it out!  By the way some of the party scene is taken from the show, but not all of it.


Spencer's POV

When we were all at Emily's, there was such a weird vibe in the room.  It wasn't necessarily negative but it was definitely weird.  I didn't really have to study and even I did, Hanna wouldn't have asked to come with me.  Aria I guess just didn't want to be alone with those two so she ditched to.

"Guys, what is going on with Emily and Alison today?" I ask.  I wonder if they have noticed too or if it was just me.

"I don't know but it felt weird in there.  And it's not just today.  Lately Emily has been seriously jumpy around Ali," Hanna says.  

"Did you guys notice that before Ali walked in there Emily was completely out of it, not responding to any of us?  As soon as she walked through the door though, she snapped back in," Aria says and now that I think about it, that really is true.  We always known that Emily was more attached to Ali than the rest of us but it's getting more intense recently.

"And Ali is just soaking up the attention like a ShamWow," Hanna deadpans.  

I want to get off the topic before we jump to any conclusions, this might not be headed in a good direction. "Wanna go to the grill? Grab some lunch?" 

"Sounds good," Aria says, getting into the passenger seat of my car.

"Yeah but only if you spot me for some chili cheese fries, I don't have my wallet," leave it to Hanna to constantly be thinking about food.


Alison's POV

I storm out Emily's door, pissed that she pressed me on a subject I clearly didn't want to talk about.  She just doesn't know when to stop!  I really should tell her, so she won't get hurt but I just can't bring myself to do it.  I know Ben's dirty little secret is still going on, since I caught him yesterday.

Flashback to Yesterday Afternoon

I saw Ben and Emily talking.  He said he couldn't go to practice because he has something to do, sketchy much?  I decide to follow him to see what's going on.  He gets in his car and I tail him for about half an hour before he stops at some fitness center.  I follow him in and see him talking to the receptionist before my phone starts to ring.  I silence it before he realizes I'm behind him but when I look up, he's gone.  

I look around but I don't find him.  I sneak by the front desk and check behind the corner, but see nothing.  I almost decide to go home, but I hear a loud bang, sounding like a body hitting a door or a wall.  I go to the room I hear it from and open the door, not bothering to knock.  And I see exactly what I've been trying to protect Emily from.

"Well well well, looks like someone can't kick their nasty habit.  You want to try and explain this one Ben?

End Flashback

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