Chapter 15: The Bitch I Never Knew

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This chapter is dedicated to herprincess12 for messaging me about her story.  I wasn't kidding when I said you guys really can talk to me.  I basically watch PLL all day and I write in my free time so basically I have nothing better to do.  Also, guess who's in LA for a limited time? Moi! So that means that my updating might be a little slower than normal sorry guys:( I'll do my best though! Enjoy my children:)


Well this is one awkward relationship. Now not one, but both members turn out to be gay. I can't be mad at Ben for hiding his sexuality but what I can be mad about is that he used me to cover it up. He's so lucky that I'm gay because if I wasn't, he would so get it. I guess I will have to break up with him though, this really can't go on can it?

Hanna fusses over me for a couple minutes after she told me, making sure I'm not going to breakdown. I mumbled my goodbyes still a little bit in shock and head home. What am I supposed to do now? I end up doing my homework and going to bed, still in a daze.

When I wake up the next morning I put my clothes on like a zombie and head to school. This is gonna be such a long day.


Aria's POV

"Guys have you seen Em today? She’s completely check out," I ask Hanna, Spencer, and Alison worriedly. Emily brushed us off for lunch and headed to the pool, something about needing to clear her head.

"Yeah I noticed that, I thought she was just tired but now I'm thinking something's wrong," Spencer adds in. Both Alison and Hanna have knowing looks on their faces. Do they know what's going on?

"Hanna, Alison? Do you know what's going on?" I ask them.

"What?" Hanna replies. "No I don't know anything. Maybe this is about her dad" she looks down and her plate of fries and pushes them around nervously. For once, Hanna's not hungry.

"She probably just being melodramatic. Just ignore it, she snap out of it," Alison says dismissively. Did I detect a slight edge to her voice? Maybe they got in a fight.


Hanna's POV

Emily has been seriously torn up all day. She won't talk to anyone, not even Alison. I didn't know that me telling her about Ben would mess her up this much. She must've been telling the truth when she said she loved him at that frat party.

When Aria asked what was wrong with her, I had to lie. I wouldn't tell them without Emily. Ali was such a butch about it though. We don't know what's going on with her, so she can't just accuse Em of being melodramatic. No one wants to say anything but we are getting seriously tired of Alison's attitude. The only time she's bearable is when she's with Em. I guess that's cause no one can be mean around Emily. She's just too sweet.

I wonder when Emily's going to end it with Ben, it's not like they can date after she knows what he really is. I hope she doesn't break down like Alison did; she seemed to take it a little better than Ali though. No tears, just silence.

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