Chapter 39: Presents and Prizes

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I'm sorry this took so dang long! I wanted to write a few chapters in advanced so I could see where my story was going because I realize I kinda got off track somewhere in the middle. And I hate to say it guys, but it's coming to a close a lot sooner than most of you would think. I have more to say about it at the end, so stay tuned! This chapter is dedicated to my mother because she just started reading my story which is weird for me because she wasn't writes out that it was a lesbian story. She didn't question me on it and that's why this chapter is dedicated to her. The playlist for this chapter is the entire new One Direction album because that's all I've been listening to. Enjoy guys!


Emily's POV

All this week, I've been trying to avoid the girls. It seems like all anyone wanted to talk about is Alison, and I just can't deal with that. Speaking of Ali, she's been leaving little gifts for me everywhere. And I do mean everywhere, they've been in my locker, on my porch, in my swim bag. She even found a way to leave a box of chocolates in my pillow. The gifts range from candy, to flowers, to food, mostly store bought stuff. One time she did leave a poem she wrote taped to my bathroom mirror, I'm going to have to talk to my mom about letting her in.

All the gifts are nice, but if she thinks they'll win back my trust, she's mistaken. I will not be won over by cheesy romantic gestures, not by the way she's hurt me. Although I will admit, this is more effort than I thought she would put in. My guess is that the girls are coaching her. Speaking of these gifts, today I have yet another batch of brownies waiting for me when I open my locker. Great.

"Hey Em, did you get the physics homework done?" Hanna asks me as I get my books and take the brownies out of my locker.

"Yeah, do you wanna copy it during Spanish?" I ask her while pulling said homework out of my physics book.

"That would be ideal, and are those brownies?" she asks while honing her eyes in on the baked goods.

"Yeah do you want 'em?" I ask and hand her the batch, knowing she'll say yes.

"Duh," she says, confirming my suspicions and already starting to eat one.

"Mhmm these are so good. Who gave them to you?" she asks with brownie at the corner of her mouth.

"No one important," I shrug and wipe the chocolate off her face. Time to go to the hell we call school.


Driving home from school, I'm not gonna lie, I'm a little peeved. Today I got a special lunch courtesy of Alison, a love letter placed in the cover of my history test book, and it peaked when I was working out and Alison added a whole new playlist of romantic songs to my phone. So yeah, I couldn't escape the blonde devil today. Speaking of which, I can see her placing a wrapped box on my porch.

"Really? This had got to stop," I say exasperated as I walk up to the front door of my house.

"Oh hey Emily," Alison says cheerily. "I didn't think you'd be back so soon. How was your workout?"

"Obnoxious, did you mess with my phone?" I ask and walk past her into my house.

"I just added a couple of songs that reminded me of you," she says following me and I roll my eyes.

"Really because sincerely doubt that I make you 'bubbly from your toes and you crinkle your nose'" I say, quoting "Bubbly" sarcastically because that song played at least 3 times.

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