Chapter 38: My Blonde-Haired Blue-Eyed Frenemy

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Hey guys I'm a little under the weather so guess who's gonna get a chapter??:) That's right, you guys!!! This chapter is dedicated to AisbAckpll for making me laugh with her comment. I love laughing so if you guys make me do it, hats off to you. Ok now onto the chapter, enjoy guys:)

1) “Fever” Black Keys
2) “Best Shot” Jaymes Youn and Birdy
3) ”Blank Space” Taylor Swift
4) “If I Lose Myself” One Republic
5) “Sit with me Tonight” Garrison Star and AG
6) “The Bird and the Worm” Owl City
7)”Add my Effort” The Weepies
8)”Give your Heart a Break” Demi Lovato
9)’Don’t Stop” Five Seconds of Summer
10)”Wait” M83


Spencer's POV

When I heard Aria and Hanna's tales of the weekend, I had no idea of what to expect on Monday. All I know is that Ali is a blubbering mess and Emily is off her rocker. When I pull into the junior parking lot at school, I can see everyone's cars already parked. What mess am I about to walk into? I head to my locker to find that Aria and Hanna are already there.

"So what's going on today? Have you seen them?" I ask as I put my stuff away.

"We've seen one," Hanna says while tapping away on her phone.

"Ali came over to find out where Emily was and when we said we didn't know, she botled down the hallway," Aria explains to me and takes Hanna's phone.

"Hey! I was almost at 2048," she cries and reaches for her phone but Aria hands it to me.

"We are kinda having a crisis here Han, you can play with your phone later," Aria says and I put her phone in my purse.

"Yeah, we need all brains on board to get Emily through this," I say and both Aria and Hanna look uncomfortable.

"What?" I ask confused, looking between the two girls and hoping someone will give me an answer to the sudden awkward tension.

"Alison needs our help too," Aria mumbles.

"Please, she did this to herself," I scoff. "She doesn't deserve our sympathy."

"I don't know Spence, she's kind of a wreck," Hanna says sheepishly.

"Oh God, not you too," I say disappointed.

"You didn't see her Spencer, she's pretty torn up," Hanna says defensively and I roll my eyes.

"Yeah, she's gonna gain back our trust and stab us in the back," I deadpan. "She manipulate people Han, she always has."

"She was different this time Spence," Aria says quietly. They just aren't getting it are they?

"She's different every time, that's how she became the master liar," I say and shut my locker door. I jump when I see Ali standing on the other side, a glare plastered on her face.

"If I'm the master liar," she says coldly, "then what does it say that you've taken my place?" With that, she storm off, her heels clicking on the tile as she goes.

"You haven't taken her place Spencer," Hanna tries to reassure me.

"Haven't I?" I say worriedly. "I tell you what to think, I control a situation. I'm becoming Alison."

"No offense Spencer, but I make my own decisions," Hanna says angrily and storm off. I turn to Aria and see a very disappointed look on her face.

"The only trait you Ali share is your assumption of superiority," Aria says and starts to walk away. Once she takes a few steps, she turns around to say one last thing.

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