Chapter 22: She's so Different...Or is She?

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I'm baaaaackkkk:) I missed you guys a lot when I was gone and when I came back I had something like 27,000 reads! What the heck guys you're the best for real.  You the real MVP. Anyway this chapter is dedicated to andieve for messaging me and complimenting my story.  It makes my heart smile:) Alright enjoy the long awaited chapter. And by the way, I've learned never to give a specific date of when I'm going to update because I got many an angry message.  Sorry stuff gets in the way guys. 


Emily's POV

It's been a little over two weeks since Ali was found.  She came home from the hospital four days ago and she's refused to see anyone.  I'm really confused on how I feel toward her because of how long she's been gone but I still feel something.  I don't know if it's love for her, or just that I'm happy she's been back after so long.  She didn't want anyone visting her in the hospital besides her family after the first day.  After we had our reunion she started acting really weird, saying she was really tired and ushering us out the door.  Since then, the doctors kept turning us away under Ali's orders.  

Alison hasn't told anyone what happened and everyone has been giving her space, but the police really need her report.  Her mother has been pushing her to talk but still no statement.  Just as I'm thinking of Mrs. Dilaurentis, her name pops up on my cell phone screen.

"Hello?" I say tentatively.

"Hello Emily, it's Mrs. Dilaurentis," she says in her business tone.

"Hey Mrs. D what's going on?" I ask her.

"It's about Ali.  She needs to give her statement to the police tomorrow and I haven't told her yet.  I figured it would be easier to talk if she had her friends with her.  Could you and the other girls come over tomorrow? Don't tell her what's happening, if she knows in advance, she'll try to get out of it," she tells me quickly.

"Of course we'll go over there.  I'll text the others and see if it's cool.  Do you want me to come over today and see if she'll wind down a little bit?" I ask mostly because I want to see Ali for myself.  To make sure that she's really here and it's not just a dream.

"Of course dear. I'll see you in a few then," she says with a tone of finality.

"Alrighty see you then," I say and hang up.  I go upstairs to my room to go get ready. I feel like I need to look perfect for this meeting so I try on a couple of different jackets and apply some light make up.  I don't know why, but just thinking about seeing Ali makes me feel so nervous. And I'm not sure if it's the good kind of nervous.

I yell to my mom that I'm going out and hop in my car.  When I pull up outside her house, I can feel my hands start to shake. I take a minute to take some deep breaths and compose myself.  When I feel ready, I slowly get out of my car and head to the front door.  I'm about to knock on the door when I see that it's slightly open.  I walk in and go into the living room, looking for Ali's familiar blonde hair.  I stand in the living room for a minute, struck by house surreal it is to be in my dead but not dead friend's living room.  That is, until I hear the floor creak behind me.  I turn around and gasp, unable to correctly process what I'm seeing.


Alison's POV

When I saw Emily's car pull into the driveway, my heart skipped a beat.  I watched her stay in her car for a few minutes before she shakily got out and walked to the front door.  I make my way down the stairs to let her in but I see that she let herself in anyway.  I walk up behind her and obviously scare her because she turns around quickly.  Looking at each other for the first time since the hospital has us both speechless with heavy breath.  After a few seconds Emily speaks.

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