Chapter 4: Shy on the Streets, Sexy in the Sheets

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I get up the next morning feeling buzzed.  Meet days are no joke for me, There could always be scouts and I want to get in college on a full swimming ride.  I put on my meet day jacket and head downstairs for breakfast. I'm surprised to see Ali sitting at the counter talking and laughing with my mother.  

"Hey Ali I didn't know you were here," I put my hands in my pockets and sway, unsure of what she's doing here.

"I thought I'd give you a ride to school and you can come over after your meet. It's Friday and we need to have some fun!"

That does sound like fun.  I look at my mom for confirmation that it's ok with her and she nods.

"Alright sounds cool.  You ready to go? We can stop by the brew on the way for coffee," I don't really feel like having Ali sit down for family breakfast so it's just better that we eat on the way.

"Sounds good. Let's go so we're not late," Ali waves to my mom and we head out.


We walk into school and I'm immediately grabbed from behind with my eyes covered.

"Guess who," a flirtatious voice whispers in my ear.

"Ben," I giggle like a little girl. He uncovers my eyes and spins me around.  He kisses my quickly and grins. He's so cute.  In my peripheral vision I can see Ali roll her eyes.

"I'm gonna head to class Em. See you after school," She winks at me then walks away, swaying her hips as she goes.  I can't help but stop and stare.

"Do you have plans after school? I thought that maybe we could go somewhere after the meet, you know to make up for our lunch yesterday," I forgot we really do need a make good on that failed date.  It really was rude of me to just leave.

"I'm sorry Ben, I'd love to but I'm going to Ali's after the meet.  Saturday night maybe?"

"Alright deal, see you later babe," he kisses me and winks but I can't help but notice how sexier Alison made it look.


"Ten minutes ladies! Get your head in the zone and get ready, it's meet time."  Coach yells to all of us in the locker room as we clap. Time to get ready.

I put in my headphones and stand off to the side of the blocks.  I watch as the relay starts and my team jumps in the pool.  I'm anchor so I swim last, I get my head in the game and focus.  I know scouts are here so I have to perform.  

After our third leg jumps in the pool, I take my headphones out and get on the block.  I pull my goggles over my head and as I'm about to get set, I hear her voice shouting my name.


Alison looks slightly out of place with her pink dress and white heels but I'm excited to see her nonetheless. She has never come to one of my meets, always saying it wasn't her thing.  Seeing her smile and nod at me makes me turn my head back to the pool.  This is better motivation than scouts, my parents, fans, or friends.  I'm ready to swim.  

As my teammate touches the edges of the pool I vault over with more power than I was aware I had.  My arms cut through the water. I feel like a bullet out of the barrel, like I've been held back this whole time and I'm finally free.  My legs power me through the water with enough force to give me the lead.  I touch the opposite wall and am in the final stretch.  I power through and touch the wall to hear screaming and applause.  Coach tells me my time as my team all swarm around me.  It's a personal record, school record, and state record.  I'm ecstatic.

I try and make my through the crowd but I feel my arm being tugged. I turn around and feel a body crash into mine in a bone-crushing hug.

"Oh my gosh Em I never knew you were so fast.  You are amazing!"

"Ali I'm all wet! You're gonna ruin your dress!" It actually flatters me that she would seek me out in this big crowd to congratulate me.  It flatters me that she would come at all, it's so normal and she's so...Ali.

"I don’t care! A state record Em? I'm proud! Now go get dressed and we can relax at my place, you must be exhausted."  With that, Ali walks away and people practically make a path for her through the crowd. Perks of being Alison Dilaurentis.

After I get changed I make it out of the locker room with people shouting 'Congrats Emily' and 'Nice record Fields'.  It feels good to be, well, good.  As soon as I walk out the door, a hand spins me around.  I squeal as I hit a rock hard body.  Said body picks me up and spins me in a circle.

"Ben! Put me down!" I say while laughing.

"Not until I get a kiss from the state record breaker.  You're kind of a big deal now."

Instead of answering him I kiss him. This is the first time I've kissed him instead of the other way around and it feels good to be in control.  It gets a little more heated when I feel his tongue trace across my bottom lip but I don't stop him.  He presses me against the wall and I wrap my legs around his waist so I won't fall.

"Em we have to go, don't want to be late."

Ali's icy voice reaches us and I unwrap my legs from around Ben.  He reluctantly puts me down and looks at Ali. She's glaring at him and he looks at her with the same intensity. I feel unbelievably uncomfortable in this showdown but the two aren't paying attention to me.

"You coming Em?" Ali turns without even making sure I'm following her and I rush to catch up.  I turn around and throw Ben my best "I'm sorry" face.

"We're still on for dinner tomorrow night right Em?" Ben shouts to me as I'm almost out the door.  Ali stops in her tracks and finally turns around to look at me.

"Definitely. See you then!"

Alison gives me a weird look but nonetheless turns around and starts walking again.  We get in her car and as soon as the door shuts, she turns on me.

"What the hell was that? You've been dating for two days yet you're practically doing it on the wall? I didn't peg you as that type of girl."

Well this is embarrassing.  I didn't expect to be chewed out by Ali for making out with my boyfriend.

"Umm I guess it just kind of happened?" I say questioningly, blushing like crazy.

"Hmm, shy on the streets, sexy in the sheets.  I knew there was something different about you," Alison says with a little sexy smirk.  I shyly smile back, not really sure what to say. Alison just turns and starts the car.  This is gonna be a long night.

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