Chapter 8: I'm in Trouble with This Girl

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Hey guys so I just combined the chapters and in return, I lost a ton of reads so if you guys could spread the word about my story and get me more reads, I could update faster.  And also it's just a nice thing to do:) Anyway, this chapter's dedication is to may_carmen1 for consistently voting for, and commenting on my stories.  And also for sharing my story on twitter:P Enjoy the chapter:)


Ben breaks away confused, but I don't blame him.  We were just in the middle of an intense make out session when I just stopped to ask him to take me to my best friend's house.  Not to mention I was almost sexually harassed not even 10 minutes ago. 

"Uhmm ok? Any reason that you can't just be here with me right now?" Ben asks me, still a little flushed and trying to hide a boner with his shirt.

"I'm sorry Ben, I need to see her.  You just have to trust me," I tell Ben, already facing forward and fixing my shirt.

"I'm sorry, i just don't think that's a good idea.  Alison can be a bitch, and I don't trust her," Ben tells me with a hint of something, maybe jealousy, in his voice.

"Fine then I'll just go there myself," I say while getting out of the car.  I don't even give him a chance to argue because I'm already running.  How dare he call her a bitch when he's the reason I almost got raped in a bar!  If I keep up my pace I can get to her house in 5 minutes tops.  Gosh I so wish it wasn't pouring rain right now.

When I reach Ali's house, I'm a mess.  I cut through the neighbor's yard on the way over here so I have twigs in my hair and I'm wet from the storm. I'm panting from the run, and my hands are still shaking from my near rape experience. I use my shaking hands to knock on the door and stand there shivering in the wind with my wet clothes. Ali opens the door and her mouth practically drops to the floor.

"Emily are you ok? Oh my God what happened?" Alison rushes forward and pulls me into a hug and I start balling on her shoulder.  I can't even talk right now, all i can do is pull Ali closer and let her hold me while I cry.  This is what I needed, and what I was missing with Ben.  

She pulls me inside and murmurs sweet nothings in my ear while she strokes my hair, trying to get me to calm down.

"Em, we can't do this here.  Can you look at me for a sec?" I pull my face out of the crook of her neck to look and can't help but stare at how beautiful she is.

"Let's just go upstairs, where we can talk ok?" I nod and she takes my hand, pulling me to her bedroom.  When we get inside, Ali locks the door and brings me to her bed where she leans against the headboard.  I sit beside her, never letting go of her hand, and lean my head against her shoulder.  I try to calm down enough to tell her what happened while she traces her fingers up and down my arm.

"Em can you tell me what happened? What's got you so upset?" Alison's tone is soft, yet firm. I can tell she won't let it rest until she gets an answer. I take a deep breath and begin.

"I was at Hanna's when we heard a car horn.  It was Ben and his friends and they were all drunk.  I didn't know they were when I got in the car, but I sat in the back with his friends and they got really handsy.  They kept making crude comments and touching me and I didn't like it.  Ben pulled up to a bar and I practically jumped out of the car to get away from those boys," I'm getting more and more worked up as I keep talking and Ali's face is getting more and more concerned. 

"Ben left me alone with them and they got in my personal space.  One of them starting saying all these really gross things and he starting kissing me.  He wouldn't let me go and-" at this point I'm basically hyperventilating and Ali starts to shush me.

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