Chapter 28: Let's Talk This Out

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Ok I just want to start out by saying thank you guys for 50 THOUSAND reads!!!! That's outstanding, I'm living on cloud nine right now. I never even thought I'd get 12 reads so over 50k just shocks me. You guys are amazing. One of my goals for this story was to have someone who has never seen Pretty Little Liars read it and I achieved that goal. In light of that, this chapter is dedicated to Young_OG for being that reader. If there are more of you, please let me know because that makes me so incredibly happy. Alright enough from me, enjoy the chapter:)

PS- I have a proposition for you guys at the end of this chapter so get excited:)


Alison's POV

After waking up from yet another one of my nightmares, I thought I'd never sleep again. However, the exhaustion finally got to me and pulled me under. I didn't have the intention of sleeping but I couldn't help it. Thankfully, I was too dead to even dream. I guess my subconscious was as tired as my physical body. I think I felt safe enough to sleep because I know that I had Emily here with me. I know that she can't stop these nightmares from coming, but I know that she will be there when I wake up. But maybe not, because when I wake up the next morning, she's gone.

I reach across the expanse of the bed hoping to come into contact with Emily, but no dice. I sit up and look around my room thinking maybe that she is on the couch over looking the window, but no luck. I go into the bathroom, hoping she'll be brushing her teeth or doing her hair, but no Emily.

Why would she leave me here? I thought because of yesterday we were going in a good direction. Apparently I thought wrong because she couldn't even stay with me after all of that. Has she finally had enough of me? Was yesterday all for nothing? Maybe she's playing me just like I used to do to her. I can't say I don't deserve it, but I can say that it hurts like crap.

I decide that since I'm already up, I'm going to go make some breakfast. I walk down the stairs and realize I don't actually have to make breakfast. Because someone has already made it for me.

"I know you're a better cook, I just got hungry. I thought I'd make you breakfast so you could sleep some more," Emily says smiling at me softly and flipping the omelet over to cook the other side. I stare at her dumbfounded for a minute before responding.

"I thought you had left," I say in a quiet voice.

"Why would you think that?" she asks, looking at me confused.

"I don't know," I say while walking in the kitchen and standing right beside her by the counter. "I thought maybe you were finally getting me back for everything I had done to you."

She puts the skillet down and turns to look at me. "You thought I would do that to you?" I shrug my shoulders and she takes a deep breath before turning back to the skillet.

"That's not who I am," she says while looking straight at the omelet. She takes it off and puts it on a plate where there is a second one right next to it.

"Here," she says handing me the plate while taking hers and walking into the dining room. We both sit down at the table, her right across from me. We both silently start our breakfast, but I can't eat. Emily won't even make eye contact with me, she's just eating her food. Finally, I can't take the silence anymore.

"Are you mad at me?" I blurt out. She finally looks up from her food to meet my eyes. She grins at me and puts her hand on top of mine. She leans over the table to give me a chaste kiss and my heart just flutters.

"Of course I'm not mad at you," she says, still smiling. "Why on earth would you ever think I was mad at you? Didn't I just tell you last night I wasn't mad?"

"You were just acting strange," I tell her. "Why are you acting so strange?" I ask, hoping I won't be afraid of the answer.

"Because we're acting strange!" she says, not necessarily mad but just exasperated.

"What do you mean?" now it's my turn to be confused.

"What is this?" she asks. "What are we?" she questioned.

I stay silent for a little while before clearing my throat. "I uh. I don't know," I say honestly. "What do you want us to be?" Now it's my turn to put her on the spot.

"I don't know, Alison," she says while getting up and sitting in the seat next to me rather than the one across from me. I'm still really confused and not to mention the fact that I still don't know everything. You won't be honest with me and that's really sending me some mixed signals," Emily has gotten so much stronger than last time I was here and I am so proud of her. She's definitely a lot stronger than I can ever be, no matter what she believes.

"Everything I did was to protect you," I say, my voice hushed.

"How were you protecting me? What were you protecting me from?" she's just trying to squeeze every bit of information out of me that she can. She's dying for answers.

"Me," I whisper, my voice barely audible and my head down. She tilts my chin up with her index finger and brings her lips to mine in one of the sweetest kisses I've ever had. She breaks away and leans her forehead against mine, looking straight into my eyes.

"I don't want you to ever do that again," she says, not breaking eye contact with me.

"Ok," I breathe out, mesmerized by those warm brown eyes. Those eyes close and she leans in to give me one last kiss before getting up and taking both of our plates into the kitchen. I stand up and follow her into the kitchen where she puts both of our plates into the dishwasher and starts to wash the dishes in the sink. I wrap my arms around her waist and put my lips really close to her ear.

"Be my girlfriend," I whisper with a smile on my face. I hear the pans clatter into the sink and she turns around with a fierce look in her eyes. She takes three big steps, pushing us both backwards until my back hits the island and her hands go on either side of the counter by my hips. She crashes her lips onto mine and takes my breath. She takes my breath away as her head turns and her lips re-collide with mine. My hands immediately go up to grab her face as she wraps her arms around my body, pulling me flush against her. I let out a quick moan and her tongue forces its way into my mouth. Our tongues fight for dominance, and for once Emily wins control over me. She takes her time to explore every inch of my mouth, and right before it reaches the next level she pulls away.

"Yes," she says, out of breath and panting. My eyes flutter before fully opening and staring into hers.

"Yes what?" I can't remember anything besides that kiss, my head it still spinning from the intensity of it.

"Yes I'll be your girlfriend," she says grinning broadly. I return that smile with one of my own before bringing my lips back up to hers to start all over again. I can definitely get used to this.


Guys trust me on this, I know what I'm doing. I know a lot of you read my story because I choose not to rush things and actually build story and plot, but I promise you I have a plan. On to different thing, I promised you a proposition that you will be interested in so here it is. I want to know some things about this story from your eyes and you guys want more story. So here's what I propose. I'll ask you guys a question after every chapter and in return, you will get a scene of your choice put into Alison's POV. For example, this chapter I'm asking you guys to tell me your favorite quote, or line, or passage from Against Reason. You guys hopefully will comment back telling me your answer and the scene that you want in Alison's POV. The one that gets the most requests will be the one that I write, but don't worry I will most likely get to all of the requests at some point. Think we can do that guys? Hopefully because I'm excited about this. I hope you enjoyed that chapter, don't forget to comment and vote!

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