Chapter 37: Both Side of Broken

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Ok I'm like falling asleep as I'm writing so if this sucks, sorry.  I'm too exhausted for a playlist or a dedication so here's the chapter, hope you enjoy.


Alison's POV

"Who's Master?" her words ring out like a judge's gavel giving the final verdict.  I've been sentenced to death

"How do you know that name?" I ask stonily, still trying to make myself fully awake and aware.

"You were calling me Master when you were having your panic attack, so I'll ask you again: Who.  Is.  Master?" Emily growls, emphasizing every word so I know that she's not messing around.

"I had a panic attack?" I ask, confused.  Last night was kind of a blur.

"You don't remember?" Emily asks, astonished.  I shake my head and she blows out a deep breathe.

"Well you came to my house at two in the morning, begging to stay here-"

"Yeah I remember that," I snap, embarrassed by how desperate I was.

"Well it got heated and I hit the wall pretty hard.  You responded by going into full on panic mode, calling me Master and trying to hurt me," Emily informs me and I shake my head.

"No that can't be right.  The last thing I remember is you telling me to go home," I say and try to get up from the bed.  Black spots dance across my vision and my head spins, so I decide it might be best to sit back down.  

"Whether you remember it or not, it still happened. I've tried so hard to get you to open up to me on your own, but now that I see that that's not going to happen, I'm going to ask you directly.  What happened when you were gone?" Emily asks, her voice tight and controlled. She marks her page in the book she was reading, sets it down, and gives me her full attention.

"I already told you everything when Tanner came," I say plainly, hoping she won't press the subject.

"No you told the detective what you wanted to, now I'm asking for the rest," Emily says harshly. She really wants to know, up to the point where she's ready to forcefully extract it out of me.

"That's all there is, Emily," I try to tell her but she stands up angrily.

"Stop lying!" she yells and I cower away form her dominating presence.  She takes a step back and a few seconds to compose herself.

"I'm sorry I yelled," Emily says in a much softer tone and I look at her over the top of my blanket.

"It's ok," I say faintly and pray to God that she'll stop asking questions. All it does is make her angry and me upset.

"I want to know why you can't sleep at night, Alison," Emily starts off pleadingly.  "I want to know who haunts your nightmares.  I want to know what causes you to mentally break down.  I want to know why you don't feel safe.  I want to know what happened," Emily says pleadingly, like a last ditched effort to figure me out.

"I can't give that to you," I whisper to her, broken.  She laughs, but a laugh without humor.  A broken laugh.  She looks down at her feet and when she looks up again, she has one single tear rolling down her cheek.

"Then I guess you better go," she tells me, her voice crackling with emotion.  I try again to stand up, and though I'm a little wobbly, I manage to make it to the door.

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