Chapter 32: Just a Little Sleep Makes the World Go Round

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Alright this chapter is dedicated to Paulahhs and I'm not really sure if I've dedicated one to her or not but I'm doing it anyway so get over it:) she listed my story as her second favorite and i really appreciate it because I know my story is not the best ever written in the history of time, so it's reassuring to see you guys be honest and tell me that.  This chapter's playlist is:
1)"Kiss With a Fist" Florence and the Machine
2)"I'm Not Angry Anymore" Paramore
3)"The Final Countdown" Pitch Perfect Cover
4)"Salty Sweet" MsMr
5)"We Might be Dead by Tomorrow" Soko
6)"Til the Casket Drops" Zz Ward
7)"Who are you Really" Mikky Ekko
8)"Colour My Heart" Charlotte OC


Emily's POV

When I woke up the next morning, Hanna was breathing directly in my face.  I scoot back a bit and I laugh at her expression.  Her mouth is hanging open, with a little trail of drool off the side of her mouth.  I throw a pillow at her to wake her up while I text Ali and tell her that I'll be over in twenty.  Hanna groans from behind me and I laugh even more.

"Morning sleeping beauty," I say while putting my clothes back on from last night.  I only slept in Ali's tee shirt because I couldn't get enough off the scent.

"Ugh what time is it?" Hanna asks while rolling over to face me.

"8:30," I tell her after checking my phone.  She groans again and places a pillow over her face.

"It is so not morning," she says, her voice muffled by the pillow.

"Well it is for me. I have to go get my car, I'll see you later Han," I say while putting my phone in my pocket and walking out the door.  I hear her shout 'kay from her room and I walk out the front door.  After about a ten minute walk, I'm right outside the Dilaurentis' door.  I text Ali that I'm here and then go inside, not bothering to knock for fear that I would wake up the rest of her household.  When I walk into the den, I see a million books lying across the coffee table and a zoned out Ali on the sofa.

"Alison?" I ask her, confused by the state that I found her in.

"Hey," she says dully and throws the blanket off her legs to slowly stand up.

"Are you ok?" I ask her and she turns unhurriedly towards me.  Her eyes look dead and her expression suggests the same.

"Yeah I'm gonna take that as a no," I say while reaching an arm out to steady her.  She shakes me off and walks into the kitchen without a word.  She throws me my keys that are laying on the counter and then goes to the fridge before shutting it and heading to the pantry.  I walk carefully behind her as she rummages through the pantry and finds nothing that she wants to eat.  She brushes past me and back into the den.  She starts picking up her books and I tentatively follow behind her.

"Was it something I said?" I ask her and she shakes her head.

"You should probably go, I have stuff to do today," she says to me coldly and heads upstairs to her room.  I stand still for another couple seconds before shaking off my confusion and walking out the door.  If she doesn't want me here then I don't have to stay.

I slam the door angrily to my car and head to the gym, I need to distract myself.  I run a couple miles on the track before changing into my swimsuit like I always do.  I catapult off the block and hit the water hard.  No matter how hard I push, no matter how hard I pull, it's like I'm swimming in a vat of jello.  I feel like I'm not going anywhere, in fact, it's almost like I'm going backwards.  I start to feel like I'm making progress, but then I get sucked right back into the vortex.  It's frustrating so I fight back harder, but I only seem to struggle more.

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