Chapter 24: No Big Deal, I Just Might Be Losing You

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Alright so this chapter is dedicated to Rovah97 for commenting on my emergency announcement from a million years ago and disagreeing with me.  Yes guys, it is ok to disagree with me, I actually love it when you do.  She showed me a side of the argument I haven’t thought of and she was right too.  It also helped that she voted on a ton of my chapter too hahaha.  Ayway guys enjoy the chapter


Alison’s POV

I feel bad that I lied, but the master’s threat just kept repeating in my head.

If you tell anyone who I am, I will find you.

How can I tell anyone? If he comes, he will hurt more than just me.  Everyone that I care about will become collateral damage, and now that I have something else worth fighting for, it’s out of the question.  I will not let him hurt her, not this time.  The way Emily stormed out of here hurt me though, couldn’t she tell that this is hard for me too?  It’s really not even that big a deal, I’m home now and I’ve showed her how I feel.  Isn’t that enough?

After Emily left, the girls sat silently while Tanner asked me a few more questions.  Why’d you run away? Why’d you come back? Stuff like that.  The girls then left without another word, probably to go find Emily.  Mother didn’t speak to me after either.  She just left the dining room without a word.  I’m a little mad that no one will talk to me, it doesn’t matter why I left.  What does matter is that I’m home now, and people are just acting like I never came back.

I sulk up to my room and jam my headphones in my ears while I read.  The age old tale of Romeo and Juliet never gets old for me.  A forbidden romance with all odds against them, it’s inspiring.  It also gives me some motivation.  I shut the book and walk quickly down the stairs.  I grab the car keys and as I open the door I hear my mother’s voice from the living room.

“Alison? Where are you going?”

“Out,” I reply as I hastily shut the door and get in the car.  Hopefully Emily is home.  I figured that we need to talk and forgive each other so we can get back to being happy.  I’m not sure exactly what we are, but I like it.  It’s time to get back to it.


Emily’s POV

As soon as I got home I went to my room.  I pace around a few times angrily, but I can’t tell if I’m angry or upset.  Why would she just leave? She had everything going for her. I have no idea why she would just take off, were we not good enough for her? The more important question though is why did she come back? Did being on the run become too boring that she finally decided to show up again?  Or did she just want to make a scene because she missed the attention?  There are just too many questions running through my head.  I stop pacing and I just yell.  I scream at the top of my lungs and pull at the roots of my hair.  I hate not knowing all of these things.  Ali has managed to turn my life upside down yet again and she only just got back.

I can’t keep thinking about all these things, I’ll go insane.  I flop backwards onto my bed and grab my iPod.  I put it on shuffle and let it just cycle through.  After a while the music soothes me and I drift off into sleep.


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