Chapter 9: I'm Good at Being Ignored

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Alright this chapter is dedicated to Undefined15 for being a dedicated reader:) I love your comments they always make me smile, keep reading! All of y'all's opinions matter to me so voice them in the comments! Enjoy the chapter and as always comment, vote, share, support my story!

PS- The last scene is taken straight from the show


The following week passed by in a blur, I've been avoiding Ali like the plague and because of that, I can't be with the girls either.  That leaves Ben, so I've basically been plastered to his side all week.  It's been wake up, school, swim, sleep, repeat.  But today is Friday and Ben is going to meet my mom tonight so, I have to admit, I'm pretty excited about today.  My thoughts are interrupted when I hear my boyfriends voice in my ear.

"Hey babe, I'm excited about dinner tonight," Ben tells me, his excitement apparent in his voice. He backs up so he can look at me while we talk. "Is this like black tie formal, jeans and a tee-shirt, or somewhere in between?" Ben looks a little nervous about tonight and I chuckle. He's adorable.

"Mhmm I'd go with somewhere in between.  I have to change for swimming, will I see you out there?" I ask Ben, digging around my bag for my cell phone that's buzzing like crazy.

"No, I have something I have to do before dinner, but I'll see you tonight!" Ben's excitement about meeting my mom is adorable.

He kisses my cheek and runs off, probably to do whatever is so important that he needs to skip practice to get it done.  I finally fish my phone out of my bag and realize the girls are cracking down on the fact that I've been avoiding them all week.

'Em where are you?!?! You've been completely MIA all week!' I can almost see Aria's worried expression as I read her message.

'Emily what's going on with you, Ali, and Ben? Come on, talk to us please,' Spencer is definitely smart enough to figure out that this whole thing involves Ali, I just wish she'd figure out what's going on with her and my boyfriend.  I need her help.

'EMILY FIELDS STOP IGNORING ME! I MISS YOU!!' Hanna skillfully avoids the whole Ben and Ali thing since she knows I know that she knows what's going on.  Gosh I miss my friends.

Alison is noticeably missing from this flood of texts, as per usual.  She either doesn't care or she wants to look like she doesn't care.  I really hope it is the latter because I miss her the most.  I decide to ignore their texts until Ali tells me what's going on, it's the only way for me to have the upper hand.  I sigh and head to swimming, why can't I just have a normal boyfriend and normal friends?


"Wow, this is really good Mrs. Fields.  Did you make it yourself?"

Ben has been doing so good with my mother all night long, saying the right things, being so polite.  I don't know why he was nervous at all, he's such a gentleman.  My mom was instantly in love with him the moment he opened his mouth.  She definitely approves.

"Why yes I did, thank you Ben," my mom blushes at his compliment.  Jeez I thought Ben was my boyfriend.  

"So Em, where's your dad?" Ben asks.  I almost choke on my food.  My mom instantly pales.  I guess I never mentioned it before, but that was a really bad time to ask.  Mom is still really torn up about my dad.

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