Chapter 16: Well Look at What We Have in Common

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So this chapter is dedicated to me for waiting for last night's PLL episode to air.  The central and eastern time show goes on before pacific so I had to wait longer than normal and I honestly couldn't handle.  Literally go message fragile_diamond and ask her she had to calm me down lol and it so wasn't working.  My friends on the east coast were texting me like "OH MY GOSH YOU'LL NEVER GUESS WHAT HAPPENED!!!" and I was like "BITCH I'M ON PACIFIC TIME YOU BETTER HUSH YOUR MOUTH!" Long story short, it was very comical to watch me writhing in pain waiting for PLL and that's why I've dedicated this to myself.  Enjoy the chapter:)


Alison's POV

I finally manage to make it through the intense crowds in the hallway and to my car.  I don't feel like going through the rest of the school day, my job here is already done.  I can finally spend a night at my house because my mom is going on a business trip.  It'll just be my older brother Jason and me at the house tonight.  

When I get home, I head up to my room and sit on my love seat.  I look out the window and see Spencer, Aria, Hanna, and Emily get out of Spencer's car.  Wow thanks for inviting me to hang out with you guys.  I guess they are all mad about what happened at school today.  I know what I did probably ruined his life but he deserved it.  I would be lying if I said I did it for Emily because I know that she wasn't really that torn up about it.  I did it for me.

Ben was the only guy that's ever treated me well, and not because I was Ali D.  He treated me right just because I was Alison.  Well at least that's what I thought anyway. Apparently he only treated me right so I wouldn't leave him and he would be exposed.  He's the only guy I've ever felt any sort of serious feelings over and it tore me apart to know what he was doing with other guys when I wasn't around.  So yeah, I kinda did it for Emily but I mostly did it for me.

I read my copy of Romeo and Juliet for a couple hours and I decided I was hungry. When I opened the door of my room I heard a lot of loud music coming from downstairs.  When I got to there I realized that Jason and all of his stoner buddies were having a party.  I ignore them and head to my fridge to get a snack.  A pair of arms slam on either side of the fridge, caging me in.

"Well I knew Jason had a little sister, I just didn't know she'd be smokin," a voice whispers hotly in my ear.  The smell of whiskey is putrid on his breath but I play it cool.

"Well I knew Jason had some friends but I didn't know they'd be idiots," I say still trying to find a snack.

"Oh baby don't be like that, we could have some fun," he says still trying, idiot.

I snort, "Yeah fat chance buddy."

"Mmm you had a good idea by getting something to eat.  You're ass is just edible," he takes one of his hands and squeezes my "edible ass."  Now this has gone to far.

"Back off," I say warningly while jabbing my elbow into his stomach.  He grunts and lets go so I take this as my opportunity to get out of this room of hormonal boys.  I've just put my foot on the first stair when I feel my arm being tugged.  This time it's a different boy to stop me.

"Hey sexy, I just saw you reject that loser over there.  And I know it was because you know you could have way more fun with me," his cocky smirk really pisses me off, even more than his comment did.

"Not now dude, you're starting to piss me off," I turn back to the stairs but his grip doesn't lessen.

"Hey now," he says, his voice threatening.  "Why don't you just come with me and loosen up?"

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