Getting Drunk On Christmas

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Chuuya slouched into the couch. His wine glass almost tipping over and spilling onto Dazai.

"What it Chibi", Dazai slurred. Chuuya huffed.

"It's watch idiot".

"That's what I said hat rack".

Chuuya laughed at that. Dazai smiled. Even in his drunken stupor Chuuya's laugh made his null emotions snark just a little bit of happiness.

"Ah look Chuuya", Dazai suddenly said. A bony arm was raised and pointed towards the large window.

Chuuya's eyes drifted over.

And as they looked at the window, a snowflake fell.

Chuuya smiled when more snow fell. White blending in with the city lights. Almost making it look like starts where falling from the sky.

"It's beautiful", Chuuya whispered. He waited for Dazai to respond.

It was surely taking that piece of shit a long time to comment.

Chuuya rolled his eyes.

"Dazai if you aren't gonna respond then at le-", Chuuya stopped himself.


In the seat next to him, no one was there.

"I forgot", Chuuya admitted as he took another long drink of his wine, "You left".

Chuuya gulped another sip of his wine.

It was tradition to watch the snow fall on Christmas.

It was special.

But it seemed like Dazai didn't care all that much.

Didn't care.... about Chuuya.

Chuuya breathed a stuttering breath. No. No he wasn't going to dwell on the past.

So, he drank the rest of his wine from the glass. And when that was done, he started drinking from the bottle.

And he did not cry. There were no tears a shed. None at all.

The snow continued to fall. Peacefully and serene.

Chuuya wishes that could be him. He wanted that to be him.

He wanted Dazai back. Chuuya wanted the hole in his chest to be filled.

But it couldn't.

Dazai had left. And there was nothing Chuuya could've done to stop him.

Wine was a nice distraction though from the pain and misery he felt at this moment.

So he continued, unaware that a brunette was watching the snow fall too.

Also drinking away his heartache with sake.

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