His Now Dead Lover

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"It's the end", Dazai had whispered as he looked towards the sea. Chuuya looked over at him quickly. His eyes were wide.

"What do you mean it's the end?".

Dazai didn't even look at him. Instead, he continued to look out to the sea.

Chuuya looked towards the sea as well.

There was nothing out there. Only waves and boats out into the distance.

Chuuya didn't like this. He didn't like it when Dazai was all cryptic.

His hand shot up to Dazai's shirt, yanking him so that he was at least looking at him.

"What the fuck do you mean it's the end?", he hissed.

Dazai still didn't say anything. But he did get a response when a cough was heard.

Chuuya sucked in a deep breath when blood splattered out from his lovers mouth.

And he pulled away when more blood dripped out and pooled onto his gloves.

Dazai flopped to the ground. His eyes vacant as he started coughing more violently.

Chuuya watched the blood come out in chunks. Far to many to be considered normal. But this wasn't fucking normal. Not at all. Dazai coughing out blood was not normal at all.

"Chuuya", Dazai croaked out. A sickly sweet ring surrounded Chuuya's name.

He hated it.

He did.

But he hated seeing Dazai in pain more.

He quickly fell to the floor and pulled Dazai's face towards his.

"Dazai, Dazai I need you to stay with me. I'll get you help", he said weakly.

Dazai chuckled, "But where is help?".

Chuuya opened his mouth to respond but when he looked around he noticed that there was no one around.

Yes, the city was there, but the only people he could see was them.

Another cough was heard. A deep intake of breath followed quickly after.

And then nothing.

Chuuya whipped his head back, and felt his stomach plummet down to hell when he realized Dazai wasn't breathing anymore.

"Shit. Dazai, oi Dazai!", Chuuya cried out when he saw those eyes he loved so much had closed.

Chuuya tried to wake him. He shook him, regrettably slapped him, and even tried to bargain with him.

He just wanted him to wake up. He needed him to wake up.

But when Dazai continued to sit there, his eyes still closed and no rising or falling from his chest, Chuuya knew he was gone.

"Dazai...", Chuuya whimpered out. He slowly pulled the body close to him. Craddling it towards his chest.

"Dazai please don't leave me here. Please don't leave".

No response was heard. Only the ocean in the background gave him some semblance of comfort.

The boats sailed far away now. And Chuuya was okay with that.

He didn't want anyone to see him crying his heart out over his now-dead partner.

His now-dead lover.

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