Are You Afraid Of The Dark Osamu?

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Dazai was young when it happened. Around 14.

He never had a fear of the dark before the event with Mori. In fact, he loved the dark.

Loved the moon. Loved the crispness in the air. Loved how quiet everything was.

That changed when Mori decided to ask a simple question.

"Are you afraid of the dark Osamu?".

Dazai looked up at his boss, his face expressionless as usual, before shaking his head.

Mori smiled before he arose up from his chair.

"I don't believe you", Mori stated.

Dazai frowned.

"Why would I lie?".

"Demons lie. They lie so well that even they can't find there own truth", Mori sighed out. He then walked over to Dazai. And his hand gently ran through his brown locks.

Dazai had to resist pulling away.

"So, I'll ask again. Are you afraid of the dark Osamu?".

Silence soon followed after the question. And Dazai was left to think.

Was he?

He loved the moon. Loved the crispness in the air. Loved the how quiet everything was.

He hated how lonely he felt when he looked up at the moon. He hated that he was able to breath that lovely air. One that he didn't deserve to be able to indulge in. He hated how quiet it all was. Because there was never any distraction to take him away from his thoughts.

"Dazai?", Mori hummed. A finger was then placed under Dazai's chin and was roughly lifted upwards.

And the two demons stared at each other.

"What's your answer?".

Dazai didn't know why Mori cared so much. But Dazai didn't really care at all.

So, with dead fish eyes, Dazai said, "Yes. I am".

Dazai watched as Mori's face turned into a smile.


After the question had been asked, Dazai's suffering never ended.

Mori made sure of that.

Along with the terrible punishments and rigorous training Mori also took the pastime of shoving Dazai in a closet.

All alone. In pitch black darkness.

It shouldn't have scared Dazai so much. After all it was just the dark. But being in there, and hearing conversation after conversation, it felt as if Dazai wasn't there.

He was just a shell. A demon.

Something that was no longer human.

And that was what Mori was aiming for. Because if something wasn't human they were nothing more then a doll.

And Mori loved dolls since dolls can never leave.

Except, Dazai did.

But his fear of the darkness stayed with him.

And Dazai made sure that no one ever figured found out.

Now, back in present times, Dazai was having a blast.

Annoying Kunikida. Loading half his work onto Atsushi. And sleeping on his favorite couch!

This was the life. One that he will surely end when he has the chance.

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