His Now Dead Lover Pt.2

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Chuuya jolted awake. His breathing erratic as his sleep ridden eyes cleared.

He was... in his room?

A soft snore was heard to his side and he slowly looked over.

His once dead lover, was now fully alive.

Breathing and sleeping.

Chuuya didn't even try and stop himself. He all but launched himself at the other, his arms wrapped around Dazai.

To protect him. To make sure that he never left and that he was actually awake.

That the death he saw before was just a nightmare.

He felt Dazai shudder awake before croaking out his name.

"Yeah baby. Just me", Chuuya whispered.

"Are you okay?", Dazai asked in confusion.

Chuuya wanted to tease him. The demon prodigy confused on why he was awoken so rudely.

But the teasing would have to wait until later.

For now Chuuya just wanted to hold the other.

"Yes. I'm fine. Just go back to sleep Osamu", Chuuya purred sweetly.

Now his main focus was to lull the other back into his slumber. He surely needed it.

Dazai let out a soft whine.

"I'm not sleeping until you sleep slug", Dazai whined out.

Chuuya rolled his eyes. Of course the other would fight him on this. They always where at each other's throats.

But right now, Chuuya felt that he had to agree with the other.

The reminder of the cold dead body in his arms felt all to real.

And sleeping for him was no option.

So with a final laugh Chuuya said, "Okay. We can stay up. But don't whine to me when you are late to work".

Dazai snorted.

"I'm always late to work idiot".

A/N You all thought it was gonna be angst! *evil laughter* Well you where wrong! I could never kill off Dazai, I love him to much. Duh.

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