Sleep Talking

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Chuuya awoke when a swift kick was felt on his leg.

He growled and looked over at his partner who was still dreaming away.

"Still annoying me in my fucking sleep huh Dazai?", Chuuya questioned to no one in particular.

Dazai didn't move, but instead a small hum was heard.

Chuuya furrowed his brows.

"Dazai... are you awake?", Chuuya asked. Scooting closer to the other he heard another small hum.

Chuuya let out a small groan of annoyance. Of course he would be faking sleep! Of course he would.

Chuuya raised his hand, ready to flick the others nose in retaliation, but a soft snore left Dazai's throat before he turned over. His back now facing Chuuya.

Chuuya's hand stopped midway in the air.

What... was happening?

"Dazai... what are you doing?".


Then a small, very muffled response said, "Chibi make... crab".

Chuuya had to hold in his laughter at that. Chuuya scooted once more closer to the other.

He slowly wrapped his arms around Dazai's stomach, since it was the only thing he could reach at his... height.

"Dazai, what are you doing?".

If you thought Chuuya would let this opportunity escape him you where wrong.

"I'm sleep", Dazai whispered.

Chuuya giggled.

"Yes. Yes you are. Dazai, what do you think of Chuuya's hat?".

"Hmmm. It... it stupid".

Chuuya glared at the sleeping man.

But he couldn't stay mad forever when Dazai's voice exclaimed, "Red hair preeety!"

Chuuya chuckled. His chuckle accidentally jostling Dazai's body a little.

Dazai awoke quickly, going straight like a rod in Chuuya's arms.

"Oh shit", Chuuya said, quickly crawling away from the other, "Sorry I woke you up".

"No", Dazai whispered. Now he was fully awake. All remnants of sleep tucked away for another night.

"Just come back", Dazai murmured, arms opening up.

Chuuya looked at the other. And he was saddened by the fact he couldn't hear his cute little sleepy sentences anymore.

But Chuuya supposed it would have to wait another night.

Because right now his partner wanted him back.

So, with a sheepish smile, Chuuya shuffled over into Dazai's arms.

And soon, Chuuya dozed back off to sleep.

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