Another Nightmare Fic Because Why Not

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Dazai's eyes snapped awake. Which was... strange.

He was positive he was fairly deep in slumber.

Dazai looked over to see Chuuya still sleeping soundly next to him. The red heads face peacefully asleep.

Dazai smiled. Well, he tried too.

Confusion bubbled up in his stomach.

His face couldn't move.

Dazai tried to wiggle his fingers. But the bones refused.

He tried to kick his leg. Both of his appendages also refused to move.

Dazai shifted his eyes over back to Chuuya. Chuuya was still sleeping.

Was this a dream?

Dazai decided to ignore the question when he heard a door creak open.

It wasn't a loud one. It was a small squeak of the hinges. And it came from his right.

Ah, it was the closet door.

Dazai could feel his heartbeat pick up. But over all, fear did not show on his face.

His eyes though, shifted like crazy. Trying to find whatever, whoever, was in there room.

The closet door creaked open a little bit more. And Dazai could see a sliver of someone's face.


He didn't know.

Dazai blinked.

The figure suddenly moved closer.

Dazai felt his heart stop. Who the fuck was in there closet?

The figure stared down at Dazai. They made no move to attack the other. Dazai was thankful for that. He would hate for his Chibi to wake up to his dead body.

The figure continued to stare at him.

Dazai clenched his eyes to at least try and see who this person was.

As he searched the figure sucked in a breath.


It was one word. But the tone of the voice was one that Dazai could never forget.


Dazai's eyes widened when he realized who it was.

His friend was back.

Dazai tried to force his body up. So that he could hug the other. Tell him that he has become a good man. One that he, and Chuuya, love.

But his body sunk deeper into the bed under him.

Dazai's body simply refused to move.

It was like a sick joke. And if Dazai could, he would've laughed.

Odasaku's gaze slowly shifted over to Chuuya.

"You finally have him".

Dazia blinked twice.

A yes.

Odasaku then turned back to him.

"But do you deserve him".

Dazai knew he couldn't respond.

So he blinked once.

A no.

Odasaku chuckled. But it wasn't warm. It wasn't how he chuckled when he was around Dazai.

This chuckle was cold.

And soon the chuckle evolved into maniacal laughter.

Odasaku laughed crazily and Dazai watched helplessly as he doubled over.

But his heaving laughs could still be heard.

"Of course you don't deserve him!", Odasaku heaved out, "You don't deserve someone Dazai!".

Dazai stared at him. Body still refusing to move. But the hurt that coursed through his chest flowed easily.

Odasaku looked back at Dazai.

"You don't deserve Chuuya", Odasaku said. Now he stalked closer to Dazai.

Dazai continued to watch as Odasaku now climbed on top of him.

"You couldn't save my children", Odasaku hissed as he settled himself painful atop Dazai's chest.

"You couldn't save me".

Hands now quickly made a home on Dazai's neck.

"You didn't deserve Ango".

The hands tightened.

"You didn't deserve me".

Dazai felt the hands slowly cut of his air supply.

"You defiantly don't deserve the agency".

Dazai blinked up at his friend. He would be lying if he said this didn't hurt.

"And you definitely don't deserve happiness. You demon".

Dazai didn't even try to fight back when the hands suddenly tightened to there full extent.

After all there wasn't much he could do.

So, he laid there.

With his friend choking him to death.

Except, that is what he believed.

Just when his air escaped and his eyes shut for the last time he awoke once more.

He could feel his fingers twitching. The bandages wrapped securely around his legs. And he could feel his chest slowly rising.

He was alive.

Dazai looked over towards Chuuya.

And was surprised to find the other lazily looking at him.

"Good morning", Chuuya huffed out.

Dazai looked at him. His throat felt to tight to even speak. So, instead of replying, he closed his eyes once more.

Chuuya didn't mind.

"I'll be here when you wake up Osamu", Chuuya whispered.

Odasaku was right.

He didn't deserve Chuuya at all.

But Dazai was a selfish demon. So of course he would still accept the gifts that the gods bestowed upon him.

All of which have been tricked into thinking he was an angel.

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