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Chuuya didn't know when he got the agency members' phone numbers. But ever since he started having more contact with his partner, along with the truce between them, he wasn't actually surprised with this outcome.

But he was surprised when Yosano had called him.

"What?", he barked into his phone.

"Its Dazai".

Chuuya felt himself straighten up.

"What happened?".

"He seemed fine when he came in today, but now he's vomiting and- shit just hurry".

Chuuya opened his mouth to ask what was happening but he was just meet with static.

"Shit", Chuuya cursed.

Yosano was thinking the same thing back at the agency.

"Dazai look at me okay", Yosano said.

Dazai didn't even seem to hear her.

He just continued to vomit into the toilet.

Yosano gulped and tool Dazai's face roughly into her hands.

His face was sweating. It was also deathly pale. His eyes also seemed to be hazy.

Before Yosano could continue to check Dazai yanked himself free before returning to vomiting into the toilet.

"Yosano! Chuuya's here", Atsushi called before being pushed out of the way by the redhead.

"What the fuck is going on with him?", Chuuya barked out when he saw Dazai all but laying on the toilet.

"He's sick Chuuya. Even Kenji could have told you that", Yosano hissed.

Chuuya had to bite back his words.

His first instinct was to say that Dazai didn't get sick. But now that he has stepped into the light it seemed that illnesses were finally deciding to become acquainted with the former demon prodigy.

Another splash of the toilet was heard and then there was nothing but silence.

Both Yosano and Chuuya looked over to see Dazai's now limp form.

Chuuya didn't even have to be told before he scooped Dazai up into his arms.

"I'm taking him home", Chuuya stated.

Yosano wanted to object. But she knew she couldn't.

Chuuya wasn't asking. He was simply telling her.

So with that, she sighed and said, "Okay".

When Chuuya finally arrived home with his partner he quickly started to gather what he needed. Along with giving the other a well needed bath.

Dazai was still asleep when he came back to there room.

"Dazai wake up", Chuuya said as he flicked the other's forehead.

Slowly hazelnut eyes greeted blue one. Albeit the brown looked murky.

"Drink this".

Chuuya held out some medicine, and being the annoying brat that Dazai was, he turned away.

"Dazai don't be annoying. Drink it. It will help".

Dazai let out a groan, quickly followed by a "No".

After that, a startling yelp was heard.

"How could Chibi do this to me!?", Dazai managed to slur out when the concoction finally manages to travel down his throat.

"Can if shitty Dazai. I'm doing this to help you", Chuuya hissed.

Dazai just let out a high pitched whine before digging himself deeper into the bed.

Chuuya looked down at him.

"I'm going to makesome soup. And Dazai you are going to eat it. I haven't seen you eat nothing since last fucking Tuesday", Chuuya barked out.

"You just don't pay attention", Dazai teased. But Chuuya didn't hear him.

A few moments passed and soon Chuuya was back. In his hands was a bowl.

Chuuya just hoped Dazai would actually eat it.

"Oi! Dazai eat", Chuuya ordered when he was finally looming over the other.

But Dazai's eyes were closed. And his breathing was coming out in small puffs.

Chuuya blinked. Then he blinked again.

"Son of a bitch".

Either way, Dazai didn't show up for work the next day.

Yosano wasn't surprised by this. She knew Chuuya would force the idiot to stay home.

And she was fine with that.

After all he was sick.

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