Wisdom Teeth Can't Stay

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Dazai had a frown on his face the whole day. Kunikida wouldn't have even been worried if it had not been for the sole reason that Dazai wasn't teasing him all day.

Not even trying to put stickers on his book. Which he tried to do every day!

Kunikida cleared his throat, "Dazai, are you okay?".

Dazai looked up from his paperwork, another thing that worries him, before nodding.

Kunikida raised and eyebrow.


"I am fine", Dazai replied quickly.

Kunikida continued to stare at the other, his eyebrow still raised.

Dazai's face soon formed a pout.

"If you are so worried then let me put a sticker on your book!", Dazai exclaimed suddenly, his once pouting face now gone.

Kunikida let out a huff. The idiot was fine.

Chuuya, on the other hand, sensed something was wrong the second Dazai walked in.

"The fucks up with you?".

Dazai groaned before flopping onto the couch.

"You're the second person who has asked me that! Nothing is wrong", Dazai whined out.

Chuuya didn't waste anytime before he walked up to the other, an expression on his face which spelt pain if Dazai even tried to run.

"Open your mouth".

Dazai's eyes widened only a fraction. But Chuuya, being Chuuya, saw it.

"I said, open your mouth".

Dazai looked at Chuuya for a second, but he luckily opened his mouth.

Chuuya hooked his finger and yanked the mouth down. That motion managed to pull a flinch from the other.

So, something was wrong.

Chuuya bent down and peeked into his lovers mouth.

"The fuck is going on with your mouth?".

From what Chuuya could see, there was nothing initially wrong. But maybe...

Chuuya's finger suddenly jabbed at the back of Dazai's mouth. And a sudden whine flees Dazai's mouth.

Chuuya's eyes widened.

"Shit get up", Chuuya didn't even wait for his partner. He instead yanked him up from the sofa.

Dazai watched as Chuuya pulled his phone from his pocket.

"Who are you calling?".

Chuuya didn't respond. If he told Dazai he would only struggle more.

Dazai probably already knew who he was calling.

When the receiver picked up on the other side Chuuya barked out orders. Ones that they couldn't say no to.

Another perk of being an executive.

When he hung up he turned to Dazai.

"I'm either dragging you there or you are coming along nicely. Which one do you want?".

Dazai ran for it. Chuuya groaned but let him have a head start. After all, that idiot never had good stamina.

"Chuuya I can't".

Chuuya looked over at him. He could tell Dazai was actually really nervous about this.

"It'll be fine. I'll be by your side the whole time".

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