You're Not My Dazai

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Atsushi had a feeling that something was off after the mission with the agency.

Dazai was definitely off as well.

He wasn't even bothering Kunikida during the ride back.

Instead he was taking his time staring aimlessly out the window.

Atsushi cleared his throat. The question everyone wanted to ask already on the tip of his tongue.

"Dazai... are you alright?".

Dazai's eyes shifted towards Atsushi.

A lazy smile drawn on the other.

"Why of course I am! Just thinking of a new suicide idea!", Dazai exclaimed.

Atsushi managed an awkward smile back before turning away. Dazai soon did the same.

But even still with the reassurance Atsushi felt that something was off.

That smile was far to real. It reached his eyes.

When the agency finally pulled up to the office Dazai all but ran out of the car and towards his apartment.

Kunikida and Atsushi exchanged looks. Yosano did the same with Kyouka.

Something was different about the resident nut case.

Back at Dazai's apartment Dazai was shifting through papers. He was ripping open his bed, his closet, hell even the bathroom.

"Shit shit shit. I need it. Anything!", Dazai murmured under his breath.

Well, now we can clearly see that this isn't Dazai.

It is actually Nori Yukine. And the object he is so desperately searching for is a file containing his ability.

He was lucky enough to even possess Dazai. He thought it would be impossible to considering the others ability.

Nori was knocked out of his thoughts by a small buzz coming from his pocket.

He looked down and was surprised that someone was even texting the man.

And when Nori saw the message he couldn't help but smile.

Why not kill two birds with one stone?

Chuuya on the other hand was ticked off.

That bitch left him on read. At least text back if you're coming over or not!

A sudden chime was heard.

"Coming over chibi! Make sure you throw away that stupid hat".

"Fucking Dazai", Chuuya huffed.

Nori was very proud of himself when the executive didn't suspect anything.

All he had to do was scroll through the other texts to find how Dazai talked to the other.

With a sinister smile Nori was on his way to Chuuya's. All that research luckily came in handy.

Chuuya knew something was off when a knock was heard.

One, Dazai never knocked.

Another indicator that something was wrong was that when Dazai walked in he didn't say anything about Chuuya's height.

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