A Poisonous Apple

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It was just like any other day really.

Atsushi was helping Kyouka with her work. Kunikida was being... Kunikida. The siblings where being there usually selfs. And everything was normal.

That was until Dazai came walking in with Chuuya carrying him.

"Good morning!", Dazai exclaimed. Chuuya was just glaring at the floor, his face pink.

"What is that?", Kunikida hissed.

"Why my lovely chibi, who loves me very dearly, has decided to carry me here!", Dazai gushed happily.

"I fucking lost a bet. I don't love him that much", Chuuya barked out before rudely dropping Dazai to the ground.

Atsushi had to hold back a laugh when he saw how pouty Dazai looked. Ranpo didn't even try to look professional.

Dazai glared at him when the laughter was heard.

"Dazai! Get your ass up and kiss your boyfriend goodbye. We have a client coming in and I don't need you fucking it up", Kunikida explained while he watched the clock tick by.

Dazai sighed and pulled himself up.

"Kissy?", he asked.

And dammit Chuuya couldn't say no to that face.

With a glare, a groan, and a blush in that order, Chuuya yanked the other down before giving him a quick kiss.

Ranpo gagged.

"Oh shut up Ranpo! Don't act like you don't do that with Poe", Yosano chirped from her office.

Ranpo just gawked at her while Kenji asked what Ranpo did with Poe.

"Be careful today", Chuuya said. Dazai nodded.

"I promise I will".

But of course, that fucker could never keep his promises.

It started when the client came in. She was old. Really old.

Dazai and Kunikida where both shocked that she could have even climbed up the steps to there office.

"Hello sirs. I'm here to ask for help. You see, I am looking for my grandson", she had said.

After that the usual business began. Dazai wasn't even paying attention.

Instead his mind was thinking of crab, suicide, and Chuuya.

Mostly just Chuuya.

"Would you like and apple?".

Dazai blinked over to the lady. His thoughts now gone.

"Pardon?", Kunikida asked.

"I said, would you like and apple?", the lady repeated before pulling out a large red apple.

"No thank you", Kunikida replied.

Dazai, on the other hand, looked at the apple.

Chuuya would want him to eat more fruit.

"I'll take it", he proclaimed with a smile.

The old lady smiled back.

"Here you go!", she exclaimed. 

Dazai watched with glee as the apple fell into his hand. He sparred no time either, before chomping into the soft fruit.

"We'll contact you ma'am when we have anymore information on your grandson", Kunikida said.

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