A Stalker

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Dazai had many, and I mean many, admirers.

Some of the admirers where more mellow than others. Occasionally saying hello to him on the street or messaging him every once in a while, since Dazai never changed his phone number.

But some are much more annoying then Chuuya would like to admit.

From trying to visit the other at work to even following him home.

Of course, Dazai excused this. Saying that, "It's just because of my beautiful face Chuuya!", and, "w worry they won't do a thing!".

Every time Dazai said that Chuuya scoffed. Dazai was complete shit at fighting.

Granted he was an amazing thinker. But his brain seemed to suck all the strength in his muscles and bones to power itself.

And that made Chuuya worry.

Especially when that day came along.

Chuuya, by no means, was close with the Detective Agency.

So when he got a call from them suspicion arose.

Chuuya quickly picked it up and groaned out, "Listen. If Dazai is doing something stupid I'm no-", "Have you seen him?". 

That question made Chuuya stop mid sentence.

"What happened?".

"He hasn't shown up for work!", the boy, who he realized was Atsushi, exclaim.

"He hasn't been answering calls. And he isn't at his apartment. He even left his coat behind! His doors broken and- and we don't know where he is!", Atsushi cried.

Chuuya clicked his tongue. Leave it to that man to worry his student like this.

"Don't worry kid. I'll go find him", Chuuya said. He could hear the blonde man yelling in the back, "And tell that glasses-wearing blonde to keep his mouth shut".

"... I can'tsay that. But thank you Chuuya! Please keep us updated. We will also help with the search!".

While Chuuya and Atsushi's conversation came to an  end, on the other side of the city another one was just beginning.

Dazai was staring at his captor. The man was towering. And Dazai had no idea who he was.

Was it someone from his mafia days? Maybe. Most likely.

But if so, why was the man making food for him?

"Do you like it?", the man questioned as he tried to spoon feed Dazai once again.

Dazai rolled his eyes.

"You know what I would like?".


"For you to get this damn thumb cuff off me!", Dazai hissed.

The man giggled. Dazai hated the noise.

"But you have to stay here. Don't you know how long I've waited for you?", the man questioned.

Dazai wiggled feebly in his chair. His thumbs where starting to ache.

"I don't want to stay here", Dazai whined. He opened his mouth to say something else but a spoon was suddenly shoved into his mouth.

Dazai spluttered and coughed in surprise. The man frowned as he quickly got a napkin for the other.

"I'm sorry that I did it so roughly. But you have to eat this. I need- you need it".

"I don't need anything. All I need is to leave and for you to let me go", Dazai hissed.

It seemed the man did not like that.

He let out a small huff. Which then turned into a small scream.

Dazai didn't pay any mind. He was still trying to figure out how to get out of here.

"Just eat it!", the man suddenly cried out. A hand grabbed Dazai's face and a spoon quickly invaded his mouth.

Dazai flailed about as the man force feed him spoonful after spoonful.

And when it was all gone Dazai slumped in his chair.

The man let out a sigh of relief. Thank god the drug started to take affect. Dazai should be asleep for a good 10 hours now.

The man smiled at the thought.

Because he finally had him.

And he was going to make sure he could keep it that way.

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