Sleep For Me

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Chuuya hated this. He hated it so much. It hurt him to see Dazai do this to himself.

"Dazai, go to sleep", Chuuya hissed out. He heard a small huff before it was followed by Dazai's cheery voice.

"Leave me alone Chibi! You need your sleep much more than me. It'll help you grow".

Chuuya glared at the other but swallowed back a slur.

Instead, he slowly unshielded himself from under the warm covers and walked over to the other.

Dazai was overworking himself again on a case. It reminded Chuuya of how he used to be when he was in the mafia. Chuuya remembers when Dazai fainted from overworking and little sleep during a meeting.

He will never admit this to the other, but when Dazai slept for a straight 18 hours he was worried.

Extremly worried.

That's why he won't let it happen again. Especially now that Dazai was back with him.

"Sleep", Chuuya said once more before gently taking the pen away from Dazai's hand.

Dazai's eyes snapped up at him, a weak glare staring at him. Chuuya had to still the urge to roll his eyes at the other. This was for his own good, even if Dazai didn't realize it.

"I need to finish this", Dazai hissed.

"And you can. After you sleep", Chuuya barked back. Dazai just glared at him more before snatching the pen back from the red head.

Chuuya felt his eye twitch. He was surprised he hadn't dragged the stupid suicidal bastard to bed already.

"Dazai why can't you listen to me?".

"Because why would I listen to a silly dog?", Dazai hissed back.

Chuuya stared down at him. Dazai didn't even look up at him. Instead he just continued to write.

Chuuya sighed. It was like dealing with a child.

"Fine then", Chuuya said, "You leave me no choice".

"What do you-", Dazai's sentence was cut short when Chuuya suddenly lifted him from his chair.

Even though Dazai was exceedingly taller, Chuuya has always been the stronger one.

And that was one of the things Chuuya has been grateful for. Especially when dealing with Dazai.

"Put me down Chibi!", Dazai whinned as Chuuya carried him over to the bed.

"ChiiiIIIIiiiiibbbIIII~", Dazai sang when Chuuya dumped him onto the mattress.

"Shut up", was all Chuuya hissed out. Dazai opened his mouth to protest but was muffled when Chuuya threw a blanket over him.

"I need to-", "You need sleep Dazai. You don't need to work right now", Chuuya whispered.

Dazai didn't even seem to notice what Chuuya had even said. He was far to busy trying to wiggle himself out of the blankets.

Chuuya didn't even give him the chance.

Dazai let out a small yelp when two strong arms wrapped themselves around his waist and yanked him back.

"Bad dog! Let me go", Dazai cried out. Chuuya ignored him. Instead, he focused more on wrestling the idiot into his arms.

When that was finally done Chuuya tucked his head under Dazai's chin. And being a creature of habit Dazai instantly planted his chins softly on the other's head.

"Why must Chibi be so mean~", Dazai cried.

"I'm not being mean fucker. I just care".

"Well stop".

Chuuya didn't respond. He instead just tightened his grip on the other.

"Go to sleep".


Chuuya sucked in a breath.

"Go to sleep. Go to sleep for me".

Dazai let out a sigh. And for asplit second, Chuuya worried be would just run back to work.

But instead, a few seconds later his body fully relaxed. His breathing coming out in soft puffs.

Chuuya felt a smile grace his face.

And with a final soft kiss to the bandaged neck, Chuuya followed his partner into the realm of peaceful sleep.

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