How To Ask Someone On A Date, Chuuya Style

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Chuuya had prepared for this moment for a long time. All that training and watching silly rom coms where leading up to this moment.

"Oi! Dazai", Chuuya called as he strutted into the agency.

Surprisingly no one was bothered by the redheads sudden appearance.

Dazai peeled his face away from his desk, a lazy smile showing.

"What does my doggy want?".

Chuuya sucked in some air through his nose. Today he could not get angry at the other.

"Did you miss me that much?, Dazai questioned with a smirk.

Chuuya continued on his way towards the other. Anger was boiling under him, but he was trying his best to ignore it.

"Oh I know! You wanted a treat for being a good boy! Didn't you chibiko?".

Chuuya glared at the man who was smiling like and idiot.

"You know what you shitty bandages freak", Chuuya all but growled.

Dazai was suddenly yanked from his chair.

"I was going to be nice and take you on a cute romantic date and shit. But here you are being your annoying adorable self and it's fucking annoying. So shut up and let me treat you like you are supposed to be treated Mackrel looking bitch".

After his monologue the agency was silent. And it wasn't because people where uncomfortable. In fact, almost everyone was trying to hold in there laughter.

Dazai was blinking at him. His face now adopting a blush.

"What?", he managed to meekly question.

Chuuya was a blushing mess on the other hand. His face was red and it was getting hard for Dazai to tell what was his hair and what wasn't.

"I know you heard me Mackrel. So are we going on the date or not?".

Dazai nodded quickly, a puppy like grin on his face.

"Kunikida! I'm leaving for today!", Dazai exclaimed as he looped his arm with Chuuya's.

"What?! Dazai you still hav-", "Yes but I don't care! Me and Chibi are going on a date".

Before Kunikida could pester the two anymore both of them ran out from the agency.

Once the door closed the others burst into laughter.

Kunikida looked horribly angered by the whole event. But even so he couldn't help but feel some happiness for his partner.

Because he finally got his other half back.

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