A Finger Pt.3

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"D-Dazai, what the fu-", Dazai ripped his hand away, the bandages unfolding even more as Chuuya gripped them tightly.

Chuuya continued to stare downwards at the bandages.

He couldn't get the image away from his mind.

Dazai didn't have a finger anymore. He didn't have a ring finger anymore.

"Dazai what the fuck", Chuuya finally managed to push his question out.

But Dazai was in no state to answer.

His chest was falling erratically. Eyes hidden by his hair, but Chuuya knew they where wide.

Wide with surprise. Something Chuuya knew Dazai hated.

Chuuya was knocked out of his horror by Dazai all but falling onto the ground. A hard thump accompanied the man.

Dazai pulled his knees to his chest. The now deformed hand tucked away.

Chuuya didn't know what to think. What to do.

Yes, he despised Dazai. Even so much as wished for him to become mute.

And yet, seeing him like this, spawned something primal in him.

He didn't want to see Dazai hurt, unless it was by his hands. And even if Chuuya where to hurt the other he would've never done this.

"Dazai", Chuuya whispered. The small gasps of breaths where the only response Chuuya received.

He was okay with that.

Chuuya bent down onto one knee, so that he could see the small mess.

"Osamu", he said once more. This time he slowly placed his hands on Dazai's arms.

He felt the other stiffen under his touch.

"I-", Chuuya took a deep breath before continuing. Because pretending to be strong was exhausting and scary. Especially when one you regrettably care about is hurt.

"I need to know what happened", Chuuya said, "But before you tell me you need to breath".

Dazai took in a deep gulp of air before he fell into himself. The curled position getting tighter.

"No. No, don't hide away from me Osamu", Chuuya said quickly scooting closer.

"Just breath with me. Please. Then we can figure this all out", Chuuya whispered, "Fuck I'll even buy you crab! All you gotta do is breath".

A painful few seconds went by. Chuuya staring intently at Dazai, who was finally managing to get his lungs to work.


Dazai nodded. Chuuya sighed before smiling.

"That's good. I'm proud of you".

Dazai didn't give a verbal answer. Just a small nod of his head sufficed.

Chuuya didn't mind. Now he just wanted to know who did it.

Who took away a part of Dazai. So that Chuuya could do the same.

"Who... who took it?", Chuuya asked.

A small response was whispered but Chuuya was unable to decipher it.

"Dazai I-", "I can't say", Dazai's voice rang clear. Devoid of emotion, only acknowledging the facts of what he is saying.

Chuuya wished he'd just stop.

"Fine", Chuuya huffed. He didn't feel like pushing the other.

"Fine. You don't have to tell me".

"Thank you Chuuya".

Chuuya frowned.

Before Dazai could say anything else Chuuya slowly pulled him into his arms.

"I'll wrap your bandages now. And after we can go get crab", he whispered in Dazai's ear.

His voice soft. Just how Dazai always wanted it to be. Though he would never admit it.

So, instead, Dazai sunk into the others arms and nodded.

"I would love that".

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