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The man slowly opened his eyes. A headache was quick to follow.

A small groan left his chapped lips. Everything hurt. His arms hurt. His head hurt. His legs hurt.

Everything was in pain.

And for some strange reason, one that he could not remember, he felt as if he deserved it.

The next event that happened was a gasp was heard.

"He's awake!", someone exclaimed.

This someone sounded young. Much younger than him. The mans eyes slowly shifted over to the man.

Which he soon realized looked more like a boy.

The boy turned his attention back to him.

"Dazai! Are you alright? Do you need anything?".

The man, who was now Dazai, frowned.

Did he need anything? Did he?

After a short amount of time Dazai finally managed to croak out, "Water".

The boy nodded and ran out of the room. Leaving Dazai alone with his thoughts.

Where was he? Who was that? And why did he not know his own name?

Surely people know there own names.

On the other side of the door the agency was bustling around.

Kunikida was demanding to know how he was while Atsushi was just trying to get him water. Yosano was already barging into the room. Ranpo and Fukuzawa where whispering in the corner.

And the siblings, along with Kyouka and Kenji, where watching the guest that had forced themself into the terrible event.

That guest was none other than Chuuya.

Atsushi was the one who had called him. It seemed like the right thing to do.

But now Atsushi wasn't sure.

Chuuya was tapping his finger against his elbow. His stance strong. One that made almost everyone in the agency not get close.

The only thing on Chuuya's mind was seeing Dazai. He didn't care that the others where avoiding him Dazai was the only one that mattered.

All that mattered in the moment was making sure that Dazai was okay.

Yosano was happy to see that Dazai was fine.

In fact, she was surprised to see he was able to understand her questions.

The injury he had sustained to his head was deep. It almost cracked his skull for fucks sake.

Yosano was very pleased to see how well Dazai was healing.

After her questions she said, "Chuuya is waiting outside".

Dazai titled his head.

"Who's Chuuya".

And just like that her pleased demeanor was killed.

"Dazai. Do you know who I am?", she asked.

"... No".

Yosano felt her throat become terribly dry.

"One second".

Yosano all but ran out of her small office. The rest of the agency jumped when she burst back into the office.

"Yosano wh-", "I need Atsushi", she cut off Kunikida.

Atsushi didn't even question her. He quickly followed.

When the door closed once again Chuuya stood there.

Something was wrong. He could feel it.

"Dazai, who is this?", Yosano asked.

Atsushi furrowed his eyebrows. Dazai surely knew who he was.

"The boy who brought me water", Dazai replied. Confusion was clear to hear.

"No. What is his name?", Yosano pressed.


Then, "I don't know".

Before Atsushi could even respond Yosano yanked him out of the room.

Soon she started to pull everyone into her small office. And when everyone came back they either looked close to crying or where already.

Chuuya felt anxiety now crawling through him.

What the actual fuck was happening?

When Yosano came back out Chuuya didn't even wait. He forced himself into the room.

He could hear the agency members yelling after him but he payed no attention.

His attention was solely on the man in the bed.

"Dazai", was all he said.

Dazai looked up at him. And Chuuya was surprised to hear no teasing.

Nothing about his height. Nothing about his hat. All he received was brown eyes staring into his.

"Do-", Chuuya had to take in a breath of air. Because now it suddenly seemed so hard to talk, "Do you know who I am?".

"... No. I'm sorry".

And fuck. Fuck did that put the final nail in the coffin.

Chuuya felt his chest start to break. Because Dazai always did this. Always left him.

And then Chuuya felt the anger course through him.

But this time it wasn't the blinding rage. It was more a heartbreaking one.

Because when he finally had Dazai back, Dazai had to forget him.

Before Dazai could react Chuuya fell to the ground. Tears now making a home on his cheeks as they cascaded down his face.

Caught in his own misery he didn't notice the other slowly rising from the bed.

But when arms cautiously wrapped around him the crying ceased.

"It's okay".

Chuuya's eyes widened as the man he loved held him tighter.

He soon felt sobs start to bubble up from his chest. But he would never let them out.

"If you need to cry... you can", Dazai whispered and slowly started to rock the other, "I won't judge".

Chuuya sniffled.

"Thank you".

The agency hung there heads down when they could hear the sobbing on the other side of the door.

But Dazai didn't mind.

He just kept holding on.

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