Until You Feel Human Again

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Chuuya looked up from just wine glass towards Dazai, who was sitting snug on the couch.

His nails where also snuggling into his skin.

Chuuya set down the wine glass slowly. It was one of those days it seemed.

The one where Dazai didn't feel truly there. Where he didn't feel all that human.

"Osamu, give me your hand", Chuuya whispered as he bent down to be at Dazai's height.

Chuuya never uses Dazai's first name. He barely uses it at all. But when Dazai is in one of his spells, saying his first name will get a reaction.

Chuuya watched as Dazai's eye twitched. He sucked in a breath when he saw the nails dig a little deeper.

Blood was starting to seep into the bandages now.

White was mixing with red.

"Osamu, can I hug you?", Chuuya questioned.

A second passed. An then a minute.

Finally Dazai nodded and Chuuya wasted no time in pulling himself up onto the couch and next to his partner.

It took a long time for Chuuya to coax Dazai into letting go of his skin.

Sure he could've simply yanked the hand away, but that would only throw Dazai more into the depths of harming himself.

Chuuya knew that. It had happened once before.

And in the end, Chuuya had to tie Dazai to the bed.

He doesn't want to do that again.

His reminiscing was cut short when he felt Dazai shift a little in his arms.

"Are you back with me?", Chuuya asked.

He got a small nod.

Chuuya let out a soft chuckle as he placed a kiss on Dazai's forehead.


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