When You Fail A Mission

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A/N This takes place during Dazai's dark age.

It was all Chuuya's fault. He was the one that let the target get away. He was the one that got distracted by the fight. He was the one that fucked it all up.

He looked over to Dazai.

His partners uncovered eye was dark. Stormy and filled with an emotion that Chuuya couldn't identify.

Maybe it was fear.

The door to Mori's office suddenly opened up.

Mori didn't even have to say anything. He simply beckoned the other over.

And before Chuuya could say anything his partner was behind the large oak doors.

All alone with Mori.

Chuuya felt his lungs seize up. As if he was suddenly dunked into a lake of ice.

Maybe that's why he didn't leave.

Maybe that's why when the door opened up an hour later he didn't even feel how stiff his legs where from standing there so long.

Dazai stared back at him. A plethora of new bandages on his hands and face.

Chuuya didn't even know if there was anymore injuries hidden. That's what scared him b

"Chuuya, why don't you take your parent back to his rom! He needs some rest", Mori exclaimed.

Chuuya nodded stiffly. Dazai didn't even seem to care about what was happening.

He stood there so eerily devoid it life that he looked like a doll.

And Chuuya wished that he would go back to being his annoying self.

"Oh wait before you leave! Dazai cannot take any pain medication. Don't want him becoming and addict now do we?", Mori chimed.

"Yes sir", Chuuya rushed out.

He didn't want Dazai staying here any longer.

He just wanted Dazai back in his bed.

Just wanted Dazai safe in his arms.

When the door closed once again Chuuya instantly reached for the others hand.

Dazai didn't even pay attention to it.

He quickly flittered down the hall. Tried to walk quickly, Chuuya noticed, but was inevitably going slower than normal.

It was then that Chuuya noticed he was limping.

"Dazai! Wait up", Chuuya hissed as he ran over to the other.

Dazai didn't stop walking. But he did slow down just a bit.

Chuuya looked up at his partner. And he painfully turned away when he saw the sheen in Dazai's eye.

When they finally reached Dazai's room he flopped into his bed.

No words where spoken.

When the silence stretched on for far to long Chuuya asked, "Can I at least take off your shoes?".

Dazai let out a huff. Which was probably a yes.

Chuuya let out a sad smile and went to work. Quickly  releasing the others feet from the laces.

"Can I get in bed with you?".

Dazai hummed and painstakingly shoved his body over. So that Chuuya could lay on his side.

Chuuya slowly got under the covers. And when the warmth finally hit him, the tears fell.

Dazai stared at him blankly. As if he wasn't truly there. It was like his mind was housing him in the back. In a dark cellar.

All alone in the dark.

And it was Chuuya's fault he was being kept there.

"I'm sorry", Chuuya whispered. More tears flowed with the apology. 

"It was my fault. I shouldn't have let the fucker get away. I should've just listened to you", Chuuya's hushed apologies floated into the air.

Only for him and Dazai to hear.

Chuuya didn't weep. He didn't make a sound as he cried. The only thing the two could hear was silence.

That's why it surprised Chuuya when a hand slowly cradled his cheek.

Chuuya's eyes looked towards the other.

And Dazai was sluggishly smiling at him.

"It's okay Chuuya".

Chuuya tried to smile back. But he just couldn't.

Because Dazai should be crying. Not Chuuya.

Dazai was in pain. He was hurting so bad.

But, the sad thing was, Dazai was already used to it.

That's what made Chuuya whimper.

"Can I hug you?", Chuuya suddenly asked, "I need to hold you Osamu. I need to hold you".

Dazai let out a small laugh.

"Chuuya... you don't even have to ask".

Chuuya let out a sigh of relief as he slowly enveloped the younger in a soft hug.

And then both of them cried. Chuuya's tears melted into the pillows. And Dazai's stayed on his lashes.

But they both cried.

Because they was no way out of this hell.

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