Don't Touch Him

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Chuuya knew Dazai would be targeted by someone powerful.

It was obvious since Dazai loved to make a fool out of powerful people.

But when Chuuya saw Dazai laying in that hospital bed with a broken arm and busted noise, Chuuya knew someone was going to pay.

And that unlucky person was Jiro Hideyoshi.

Jiro Hideyoshi was a powerful CEO of a company that was snuggled at the edge of the city.

He made big money. But that money wasn't enough to bribe Chuuya to not lay a hand on him.

In the end, Jiro Hideyoshi was found in his office near the brink of death. And Chuuya was back at the hospital with blood on his shoes.

"I can't believe you did that!", Dazai let out a laugh when Chuuya told him what had happened.

Chuuya just shrugged but the blush on his cheeks was clear to see.

But in the back of his mind, a mantra was singing in his head.

No one gets to touch him like that.

No one.

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