Him And Dazai On The Roof

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It all started at a simple party. Chuuya had no idea why Dazai had even invited him the first place, but he wasn't one to turn down the offer.

So here he was at the agency.

Everyone was having a seemingly good time.

Yosano was enjoying a nice cup of wine. Ranpo was talking to that strange man with the raccoon. Kunikida was, for some reason, still working. And Kyouka, Kenji, and Atsushi were eating the food that was set out.

The president was not in attendance, and Chuuya suddenly realized that Dazai wasn't either.

Chuuya felt his stomach drop when he didn't see that brunette.

His eyes dashed over his surroundings. Where would the shitty mackerel go?

"The roof", Chuuya suddenly whispered under his breath.

Chuuya wasted no time. Before he knew it he was dashing up the stairs.

Now, yes, Dazai could've gone to the bathroom or something. But Chuuya knows Dazai better than anyone else.

Even if Dazai would never agree to that statement.

Chuuya almost tripped over the steps when he launched into the door that lead to the roof.

And he would be lying if he didn't feel his hands get clammy under his gloves when he saw Dazai sitting on the ledge.

Dazai was simply sitting there. Legs dangling over the building.

Chuuya didn't even open his mouth. He simply just stalked over to his lover and sat next to him.

"Why did you come up here?", he asked after a small moment of silence.

"I wanted to feel the wind", Dazai said responded without even looking at him.

Chuuya stared at him. And with slow and careful movements gently held Dazai's bandaged hand in his gloved one.

"Why did you come up here?", Dazai questioned.

"I wanted to make sure you didn't launch yourself off of this building".

Dazai just nodded but he squeezed Chuuya's hand slightly.

"But what if I said I wanted to?".

Chuuya squeezed his hand a little bit tighter.

"Then I'll just drag you home".

Dazai didn't respond. He instead shuffled closer to Chuuya. And soon Dazai's head was gently placed on Chuuya's shoulder.

Chuuya truly didn't mind.

He didn't mind that Dazai wasn't talking. He didn't mind that he was barely even having a grip on his hand. And he defiantly didn't mind that his unruly mop of hair was tickling the underside of his chin.

He was completely content with just him and Dazai on the roof.

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