First Kiss

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When the relationship first started, the kisses where very quick.

Always a quick peck on the cheek or the forehead.

Usually it was in a teasing manner. Especially when Dazai did it.

He just loved seeing the other one become red like a tomato.

Chuuya did it rarely. But when he did Dazai always found himself thinking back to it during work.

And yet those kisses never reached the others lips.

Chuuya had been pondering the very thought as he slowly sunk into his bed. One that was being overtaken by the other lanky man.

"Why are you thinking so much Chibi? There's not enough braincells for you to use", Dazai's voice cooed.

Chuuya blatantly ignored the taunt and instead answered with a gruff growl from his throat.

Dazai tilted his head in question.

Chuuya sighed before saying, "We've just never kissed". 

Dazai stared at him for a moment before bursting into laughter.

"Why are you laughing Shitty Dazai?", Chuuya hissed out.

"Oh it's just because we have kissed idiot!".

"No we haven't. A kiss is on the lips. We have only ever kissed on the cheeks or forehead. There is a difference!", Chuuya exclaimed.

Dazai tolled his eyes and pushed himself up.

"Fine then! Give me a kiss you stupid puppy!".

Chuuya didn't even move a muscle. Dazai let out a groan.

"Slug I thought you wanted to kiss me? Oh I get it. Someone as beautiful as me shouldn't be soiled by yo-", Dazai's sentence was rudely interrupted when Chuuya dove forward.

The brunette sucked in some air when his back hit the mattress and the other was on top of him.

And then Chuuya's lips were on his.

When Dazai thought about how it would be like to kiss the other, he always thought it was going to be rough.

Fast and hot, like a fire that would never want to stop until it got it's fill.

And yet when Chuuya's lips touched his, it was surprisingly soft.

Soft lips against his own chapped ones only added to the experience.

This kiss wasn't hit or rushed. It was warm and slow. A perfect first kiss in Dazai's opinion.

And when Chuuya pulled away he stared down at him.

"Bitch. I wanted to kiss you. So don't go around and tease me about it", Chuuya said. His voice made Dazai shiver.

He slowly nodded. Chuuya let out a laugh.

"What? My kiss made your head turn to shit?", Chuuya teased.

After a few moments of silence, Dazai finally responded.

"That was my first kiss".

Chuuya's eyes widened immensely. He all but jumped off of Dazai.

Dazai pushes himself back up into a sitting position and looked at his partner who was staring right back at him.


"That was my first kiss. And I must say I can't believe a doggy took it from me! Nasty!", Dazai exclaimed.

Chuuya didn't even hear the mocking. Instead he was busy stewing in his own thoughts.

He was Dazai's first kiss. He was the first person to ever touch the lips of the former demon prodigy.

And Chuuya would be lying if he said he wasn't proud of that.

Dazai's rant was once again cut off when Chuuya jumped at him. This time kisses peppered Dazai's face like small bullets.

A few on his cheeks and forehead and many on his lips.

"Ew! Dog slobber!", Dazai whined as Chuuya gave him another kiss to his cheek.

"Shut up Mackrel", Chuuya hissed before planting another kiss on his lips.

And, Dazai realizing that this was going to go on for a little while, awkwardly kissed back.

Chuuya couldn't help but laugh at the action.

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