A Finger Pt.2

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Chuuya was pulled away from his stunned state exactly 20 minutes and 11 seconds after Dazai had fled.

"Shit", Chuuya muttered to himself as he jumped up.

20 minutes he left Dazai alone. And in 20 minutes who knows what Dazai could've done to himself.

Chuuya flew above the stairs. The one that lead to Dazai's dorm.

Stupid fucking Chuuya. He shouldn't have let his anger get the best of him. Because of it Dazai's probably doing something crazy.

Chuuya almost flew through the door. Luckily he only banged against it.

Hard enough to make it rattle.

And Dazai heard it.

He looked up, away from his hand, towards the front door.


Dazai sighed. It was Chuuya. Of course.

"Let me in!", he heard Chuuya bark from the other side of the door.

Dazai stood there. Should he? What where his options?

"I'll break down this fucking door if you don't".

Ah, seems there's only one.

With a defeated frown Dazai stalked over towards his door. He would much rather have a mad puppy and an intact door then a broken one and a rabid beast.

"Yes yes! Do not worry pup for you-", "Cut the act Dazai and let me in", Chuuya said as he forced his way inside.

Dazai clicked his tongue but didn't make his distaste known.

"Why have you visited me?", Dazai asked. A sing song tone printed in the question.

Chuuya turned to look at the other.

"I hurt you", Chuuya stated. His eyes shifting to Dazai's hand.

Dazai felt his arm tense. But his expression was schooled into his signature smile.

"Yes. You did. But you hurt me all the time, so why is this any different?", Dazai questioned.

"Because you where different".

Dazai titled his head. Chuuya could see him playing confused.

Even if Dazai was a genius he should know that Chuuya knows him better then that.

Instead of trying to explain it Chuuya lifted a gloved hand and pointed towards Dazai's bandaged one.

"Let me see you're hand".

"Hmmm. No!", Dazai exclaimed quickly before pulling it to his chest.

"You fucking-", "Nah ah ah Chuuya! I thought you where going to be nice to-", "I never said I was going to be nice", Chuuya said.

And before Dazai could react his hand was pulled away from his chest and towards Chuuya.

Dazai felt his breath leave his body when Chuuya gently started to peel back his bandages. Even though Dazai tried to pull back he wasn't able to escape.

"Chuuya let go".

"Not until I see what the fuck is making you like this".

"Chuuya stop".

"Not-", "Let go. Let go Chuuya", Dazai gasped out.

Chuuya looked up at the other. Dazai looked deathly pale. And a sliver of panic was seen in his dead eyes.

Another reason to figure out what was happening to his partner.

"No", Chuuya hissed before ripping off the last of the bandages.

And when the last of them fell to the ground Dazai couldn't breath.

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