Peach Pie

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Chuuya was an amazing chef. It was just a known fact through all of Yokohama city.

So why was he struggling so much with a stupid peach pie!

"Oh my fucking shit bag", Chuuya grumbled in agony when his third pie came out undercooked.

He angrily yanked it out of the stove and tossed it into the trash.

"Stupid Dazai and his stupid requests!", he huffed.

Last night, he and Dazai decided to to something nice for the other. Considering it was New Year's Eve.

Chuuya had requested something simple. For Dazai to buy him wine and a new hat accessory.

But stupid Dazai had wished for a home baked peach pie. Made from love!

"Fuck him and fuck his love", Chuuya hissed and walked over to the door. His motorcycle keys in hand, "He's gonna get a stupid pie bought from love".

Chuuya rushed down from his large condo down to his precious motorcycle.

With this quick run to the grocery store he could be done and Dazai would never know.

When he got there he immediately bolted towards the pie section.

Chuuya almost felt like he was floating. And maybe he was since a little girl stared at him in awe.

But Chuuya paid her no mind. He was on a mission.

He looked through all the pies. Hoping they had the one he was looking for.

Cherry pie. Pumpkin pie. Wild berry pie. Cheese pie? Is that even a thing?

And when he was getting scarily close to the end of the isle he finally found it.

In all its glory.

He let out a joyous giggle. He found it.

But just as he was about to walk out he heard a chuckle.

Are you fucking serious.

"Chibi. I am actually quite surprised by this".

"Dazai, shut the fuck up right now".

"When I asked for a a homemade peach pie I can't believe you would do-", "Shut up shitty Dazai!", Chuuya exclaimed.

And before he could even think it through he chucked the special peach pie in his hand towards his love.

Dazai's eyes widened as the plastic top suddenly popped open.

And Chuuya looked on in terror when the peach pie made contact with Dazai's face.

Everything was suddenly very quiet.

The pie slowly started to slide off of Dazai's face. A terrible splat followed.

"Shit", Chuuya hissed, "That was the last pie".

"Are you serious", Dazai groaned, "That's all you have to say? You chucked a pie at my gorgeous face! And my bandages are now ruined".

"Well maybe you shouldn't have been here in the first place!".

"Me? Maybe you shouldn't have come to buy a pie in the first place you disgusting dog!".


While the two fought, the little girl from before watched on.

She slowly tugged her moms sleeve while pointing at the two.

"Mom, why are the two men fighting?".

The mom looked over. Her mouth flew open.

Because now an even bigger mess was created.

Chuuya was trying to pie Dazai once more and Dazai was trying to do the same.

And after a minute, they where kicked out. And banned from the store.

"I fucking hate you", Chuuya hissed. His hat and shirt was covered in pie.

"I hate you too", Dazai said. Hair and bandages now having a strange aroma of peaches.

And yet, even though they said they hated each other, they where still holding hands as they walked away.

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