Are You Afraid Of The Dark Osamu? Pt.3

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Kunikida gulped as he sat across from Chuuya.

Chuuya was giving the most deadly glare he had ever seen.

Dazai was still in his arms though. His body laying on his lap while his head was tucked into the red heads neck. Resting peacefully on his shoulder.

Kunikida cleared his throat, "I am-", "Shut the fuck up. You're not talking. I am", Chuuya hissed.

Kunikida's mouth shut so quickly he almost bit off his tongue.

"Now listen", Chuuya said, "If I ever figure out you put him in there again. If I ever hear that anyone here makes him check out this bad again, this agency is going to collapse. From. My. Hands".

The words at the end where filled with venom.

Kunikida nodded. The rest of the agency watched in untamed wonder and fear.

"You don't even know what you've done. Have you?", Chuuya questioned.

"... I have not".

Chuuya laughed manically. Dazai's sleeping form jumping with the crazy joy.

"Some partner you are".

Kunikida felt his chest constrict. If he had known this was the outcome he would've never done it.

He looked over at Dazai's sleeping form. His face hidden from view.

But he couldn't imagine the fear that showed on Dazai's face when he was in the closet.

It made Kunikida feel sick.

Judging from the expressions he was making, Chuuya took pity on him.

"Dazai will forgive you", Chuuya said, "I won't".

Kunikida nodded. Not trusting his throat to get his words out.

Chuuya nodded before hauling himself, and Dazai's exceedingly taller body, up from the coach.

"I'm taking him home".

After that statement, Chuuya left.

And, of course, no one stopped him.

"Thank god that weretiger told me to bring my car", Chuuya huffed as he gently set the brunette in the passenger seat.

Dazai's head lolled and Chuuya couldn't help but laugh.

With a final chuckle he buckled his partner in.

"When we get home, you're getting a lot of cuddles. And crab. Definitely a lot of crab", Chuuya said fondly as he placed a quick kiss to Dazai's forehead.

Dazai didn't stir.

Chuuya was glad he didn't. After all, he definitely needed the rest.

With that final thought Chuuya got into the drivers seat, buckled in, and started to drive back to his apartment.

The trek up the stairs was hard. Of course with Dazai's height it was going to be hard.

But after many close calls of dropping the other Chuuya was finally able to dump Dazai onto his side of the bed.

Yes. His side. Because the mummy now had a side on Chuuya's luxurious bed.

Chuuya let out a groan as he looked over at Dazai. He was still out. Sleeping soundly and peacefully.

Chuuya wished he looked like that more often.

Chuuya shook his head. He should be getting back to work. With quick efficient movements he was able to strip Dazai of his coat.

And with another quick movement the brunette was tucked in securely.

Chuuya smiled at his work.

He bent down and placed another kiss on Dazai's head.

"When you come back I'll be here. You won't be in any shitty dark closet. You'll be in my arms", Chuuya whispered.

Dazai stirred a little. A small twitch and then nothing.

Chuuya giggled.

And, even in his sleep, Dazai cracked a small smile.

A/N This was like a totally random one shot thing I came up with. But if you guys have any request for later chapters totally comment them.

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