My Highschool Lover To The Rescue

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Dazai hated people like this. He really did.

All he wanted to do was go home and sleep. But no, destiny decided to drop in his path a small gang that just so happened to find him an easy target.

"What's with these bandages?", a boy teased as he yanked Dazai's arm.

Dazai glared at him and yanked it back to his chest.

"Ooooh! Pretty boy didn't like that", someone chirped.

"I just want to go home. So if you would excuse me", Dazai muttered.

He tried to push himself between the group but was rudely pushed back.

"We just want to talk".

"Well I don't really want to right now", Dazai hissed.

The group laughed. There faces bright with joy. Joy that Dazai really wanted to wipe if there faces.

Before Dazai could try and push his way through once more, a small ring could be heard.

"The fucks that?", one of them asked.


Dazai let out a small yelp when one of them reached into his pocket and yanked his phone out.

"Hey asshole give it back", Dazai hissed.

"Say please".

Dazai glared at him and watched with annoyance as he picked up the call.

Chuuya was very surprised when Dazai picked up. Because whoever was on the other side didn't sound like his boyfriend at all.

"Who is this?", the voice asked.

"Who is this?", Chuuya shot right back.

He heard a laugh on the other side, followed by a high whine.

That was definitely Dazai.

"Where are you?", Chuuya decided to ask.

The voice didn't respond. Instead more laughter was heard.


Chuuya stopped walking.

"Give Dazai the phone".

"Oh shit that's his name? We've been calling him pretty boy".

Chuuya felt his hand twitch.

"What did you call him?".

Silence. Then another annoying laugh was heard.

"I called him pretty boy! And he is rather pretty except for this shitty bandages. Hey maybe we should just yank them off!".

When that was mentioned Chuuya felt livid.

"Tell me where you are and then you can get two pretty boys", Chuuya said in such a clam voice it even spooked him.

Whispering was heard on the other line.

"Okay... come find us at the seven eleven near Bungo High pretty boy".

With that the line went dead.

And Chuuya bolted towards the seven eleven near the school.

Dazai yanked his hand away once more when another idiot tried to pull it towards him.

"Come on! I just want to see what's under there".

Dazai jumped back when another boy lunged for him.

"Piss off and let me leave", Dazai hissed.

"You should really listen to him".

Dazai and the rest of the boys looked over.

"Chuuya!", Dazai exclaimed.

Chuuya looked over at him and let out the breath he was holding.

Dazai was fine. Although he was still surrounded by those idiots.

Chuuya picked his hands out from his pockets. And with a maniacal smile asked, "Want to see what this pretty boy can do?".

Dazai let out a sigh when they finally where able to get away from the group.

"How the hell so you keep getting into trouble?", Chuuya sighed as the two continued on there way back to there houses.

Dazai shrugged.

"I don't know! But at least I know my highschool lover will always rescue me!".

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