Times Ten

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When the agency got word that a rogue ability user was running around the city, it took barely anytime before they started gathering information.

Turns out the ability user was one named Jim Nicholas. He was from America and his ability was called "Times Ten".

All the agency knew about it was that it made your strongest urge ten times more harder to ignore.

Which made everyone on edge. Especially around Dazai.

Dazai didn't understand everyone's concern for him.

After all it wasn't as if it would affect him.



It had all happened so fast. One second Atsushi had the culprit in his paws, and the next second Dazai was pushing him away.

"Dazai! What are you-", Atsushi was cut off by a strangled gasp.

One that came from his mentor.

When the sound made its way into his ears Atsushi quickly pounced back onto the culprit.

One that was now mysteriously unconscious.

Atsushi looked back at his mentor.

"Why did you push me?".

Dazai just smiled at him.

And soon his mentor fell to the ground.

Chuuya felt something was off the second Dazai's body hit the ground all the way on the other side of the city.

But it was just a feeling. It couldn't mean nothing.

Except it did mean something. Especially now.

Back at the agency Atsushi gently laid Dazai into one of the beds that Yosano provided.

"What do we know Ranpo?", Kunikida asked.

The detective in question slowly opened his eyes.

"From what I've heard, this ability will take time to pass. Exactly ten hours. So all we can do is wait it out since Dazai's ability won't work on Jim", Ranpo explained.

Atsushi frowned and looked down at his mentor.

"Idiot", he muttered under his breath.

"Where the fuck is this idiot?", Chuuya wondered aloud when he came back to his apartment.

Usually Dazai was back at here by this time. Mostly lounging in Chuuya's bed with a can of crab.

Yet that didn't happen today.

Maybe he was at his own apartment?

Chuuya sighed as he removed his hat. What should he care? It was just shitty Dazai. He didn't care.

And at this moment his phone rang.

He quickly yanked it out from his phone from his pocket.

"What?", he said. He didn't even need to check who it was.

He could already tell it was that were tiger kid.

"C-Chuuya, um we need y-you he-here at Dazai's apartment", the boy stuttered.

Chuuya quirked his eyebrow.

"What has he done now?".

"He w-was hit with an a-ability and-", "I'm coming".

"Oh thank you! Please hurry it's getting worse and- DAZAI STOP", with that final shout the phone cut out.

Chuuya felt his gloved hand tighten around the cell.

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