Today Was The Day

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Dazai knew that today was the day. Today he was going to make the perfect breakfast that would persuade Chuuya into letting him stay home and sleep away the day.

Today was the day!

At least that was until Dazai burnt the eggs, forgot about the pancakes, and somehow lost the orange juice.

Today was not the day.

With a loud sigh and a frown, Dazai stalked back over to Chuuya and his shared room.

Chuuya was deep into sleep. His hair was splayed all around his face and gentle snores spilled out from his mouth.

He looked undeniably soft and it was a pity that Dazai had to wake him.

"Chuuya. I kind of almost burnt down your kitchen", Dazai whispered. When Chuuya didn't so much as twitch Dazai shook his shoulder.

And when Dazai smelt smoke he regrettably yelled Chuuya's name.

Chuuya jumped awake when he heard Dazai's yell.

"What the fuck", he slurred as sleep slowly released him.

Dazai didn't wait for him to fully awake. Instead he dragged the other from his bed and towards the kitchen.

And Dazai wasn't surprised when he finally found where the pancakes where.

They where still on the pan, except now they where smoking.

"Shit", was all Chuuya said before they lit up with flames.

When the fire and the mess that Dazai had made was cleaned up Chuuya was livid.

But when he looked over at his partner the rage within him was quickly washed away.

Dazai looked... regretful?

It was such a strange look on the other man. Back in the mafia, he would never look at all regretful. He would probably still be smiling and laughing as if he hadn't let half of his men die.

Maybe the agency was good for him. Because now it was easier for the other to understand what was happening in that big brain of his.

"Hey, what made you want to do all this?", Chuuya's voice was soft.

"I thought that if I did this you wouldn't make me go to work today", Dazai admitted with a childish pout.

Chuuya barked out a laugh.

"You're already late stupid".

"So does that mean I can stay home?".

Chuuya rolled his eyes at the man.

"Yes. You can stay home. But never ever go into the kitchen again. Got it?".

Dazai nodded with a small smile on his face.

Yes, today was the day.

A/N When no one is reading this and it kinda hurts but you love the ship so you keep going. Fucking gonna end up like titanic in this bitch.

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