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When Chuuya finally was able to convince Dazai to sleep in his bed beside him, he had to hide the happiness from his face.

When the relationship started up again Chuuya wanted nothing more than to cuddle and appreciate the man that was Dazai Osamu.

And it started off rather easily.

Dazai would let Chuuya cuddle him while in return Chuuya would buy all the crab and sake Dazai could want. It was a win-win for both of them. Even for Dazai, who undoubtedly enjoyed the warm touches that he never experienced in his lifetime.

But like all good things, they come to an end.

The first indicator that something was wrong was when Dazai started to shake in his sleep.

Not to dramatically, but enough for Chuuya to assume that he was just cold.

Then the small shivers turned into full body shakes. As if someone was forcibly shaking the other.

When that first happened Chuuya freaked out. That night they both didn't get sleep and in the morning both had very dark eyebags.

After that incident, Chuuya watched Dazai like a hawk.

Then the crying had started.

Or more so the wailing without any tears.

Just hearing the noise sparked something primal inside Chuuya.

That night Dazai had awakened to Chuuya whispering comforting words and his arms around him.

Dazai was just very confused. But the warmth around him wasn't unwelcome. 

So instead, Dazai hugged back. 

Now, whenever Dazai sleeps Chuuya is ready just in case he needs to wake him. 

Because even though Dazai couldn't remember the demons that haunt him in his sleep Chuuya would always remember the almost terrified expression that showed on his face. 

And Chuuya will always hold him whenever he awoke. 

But he knew he could never stop the nightmares fully. 

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