A Stalker Pt.4

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Dazai slowly opened his eyes. He stared up at a car ceiling.

Where was he? Who was he with?

Dazai let his eyes rove over his surroundings. He saw a flash of black. And a butterfly.

Suddenly someone yank him up. Making his head spin and stomach turn.

He let out a small groan at the sudden movement. Far to quick for his liking.

Confused and tired, Dazai just let himself fall back asleep. He will deal with whatever else happens later.

Chuuya, on the other hand, was a ball of worry still. Whatever drug that shit head gave Dazai was strong.

Yosano had said that Dazai would be fine, he just had to sleep it off, but Chuuya was still scared.

"How much longer till we get to my apartment?", Chuuya asked.

"Back to your apartment?", Kunikida huffed, "Dazai should go ba-", "Back to my apartment", Chuuya hissed.

He left no room for back talk. So Yosano sighed.

"It's fine Kunikida. Lets just let Chuuya do whatever he pleases. After all he is Dazai's keeper".

Kunikida clicked his tongue but made no other objection as Chuuya directed him back to his apartment.

The next time Dazai's eyes opened he knew he was being carried.

The way his body jumped and swayed made it apparent.

He looked upwards to see the same bright red.

The orange then suddenly changed to blue. The blue widened, like a lake expanding, and the lake suddenly got closer.

The blue pools where blinking rapidly. Dazai just continued to stare at them.

He didn't understand what the lakes wanted. All he knew was that he couldn't swim.

"Dazai? Dazai are you okay?", Chuuya questioned. He quickly unlocked his door and ran inside.

Dazai just continued to stare at him. His eyes blinking slowly.

Damn this stupid drug.

Chuuya wasted no time getting Dazai to there bed.

He gently laid the other down. Dazai continued to stare at everything around him. But it didn't seem like he could focus on anything.

"Shit fuck", Chuuya cursed at nothing in particular.

That man was lucky the agency got him and not Chuuya. Because if he got his hands on the creep he surely would regret ever touching Dazai.

"Chuuyaaa", Dazai sang out. The red head looked over quickly. His murderous thoughts washing away.

Chuuya slowly walked over to the side of the bed. Dazai's looked at him. Chuuya looked back.

And even though no words where shared between them, Chuuya knew what the other wanted.

Chuuya slowly pulled the covers over Dazai. Dazai let out a small smile, and with that he walked back into the land of sleep.

Chuuya let out a small chuckle.

He was just happy his Dazai was back and safe.

After that terrible ordeal the agency, along with Chuuya, started watching more closely to who Dazai was talking to.

Dazai thought it was rather humorous but didn't try to put a stop to it.

After a few weeks the agency backed off there protective state. Now knowing Dazai was safe. For now at least.

But his little guard dog was always there. And surprisingly Dazai didn't mind.

After all, it was a guard dogs job to protect there owners from stalkers.

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