Are You Afraid Of The Dark Osamu? Pt.2

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Kyouka and Atsushi arrived back at the office as the sun was setting.

Kunikida hasn't gotten back yet. The meeting was running for far to long. Longer then he would've liked.

"Dazai! Where back", Atsushi called out as Kyouka finished the last of her crepe.

Not a sound was heard.

Atsushi frowned. He looked over to Dazai's desk. He then looked over towards his signature couch.

"Kyouka, do you know where Dazai is?".

"No. But I can look in the break room", Kyouka offered. Atsushi nodded and the two split off to search for there mentor.

Atsushi looked over at his desk. His phone and lock picking kit where still here.

Atsushi frowned.

"He's not in the break room", Kyouka called out.

Atsushi frowned even deeper.

"Maybe he went home with Chuuya already", Kyouka offered.

"Maybe. Let me ask him", Atsushi said before sending a quick message to the executive.

It was strange that he had Dazai's partners number. But he was the one to offer it so it probably wasn't as big of a deal as Atsushi was making it.

When the ginger texted back a simple "No" Atsushi sighed.

"I'm going to call Kunikida. He'll probably know what happened", Atsushi said.

Kyouka didn't say anything as Atsushi dialed the number.

Instead here eyes looked over at the only place she hadn't checked.

The closet.

Kyouka titled her head and walked towards the door. As she got closer she could faintly hear... breathing?

"Kyouka, wha-", Atsushi wasn't able to finish his question. Kyouka had already charged into the closet.

And was very startled to find her mentor curled up in the corner.

"Dazai?", she whispered.

Dazai didn't respond. Instead his breathing got even quieter. To the point where Kyouka was surprised his chest could still rise and fall.

"Dazai!", Atsushi exclaimed when he saw his mentor. He walked forward, to help, but Kyouka stopped him.

"Kyouka why-", "Get off the phone with Kunikida and call Chuuya".

Kyouka could here Kunikida yelling through the phone but she ignored it.

Atsushi stared at her.

"Atsushi, I said call Chuuya. And tell him to bring a car".

Chuuya was just trying to enjoy a nice bottle of wine when his phone started to ring.

"Ah god fucking dammit!", Chuuya growled before picking up, "What shitty mackrel!".

"Um Chuuya?".

Chuuya furrowed his eyebrows as he straightened up a little.


"Um yeah. Listen we found Dazai but he's not re-respond or anything. He's just sitting in a corner of the closet and-", "Wait he was in a fucking closet?".


Atsushi was then promptly hung up on.

"Is he coming?", Kyouka asked.

Atsushi looked over at her, "Yeah... I think so".

Chuuya didn't even do formalities as he stomped into the agency.

Atsushi didn't even get to explain what happened before Chuuya walked into the closet.

"Get out", Chuuya hissed, "I'll tell you when you can come back in".

Kyouka and Atsushi nodded as they shut the closet door. Enough for privacy but enough for light to bleed in.

Chuuya then looked back towards Dazai.

His legs where still pulled up to his chest. And his breathing was scarily slow.

But other then that he seemed fine.

Chuuya knew he wasn't.

Luckily Chuuya also knew the steps in how to get his Dazai back.

"Osamu", Chuuya whispered sweetly as he slowly grabbed the other arms. The ones wrapped tightly around his legs.

"Osamu, princess, I need you to let go", Chuuya said.

Dazai sucked in a breath. And slowly his grip loosened.

Chuuya smiled.

"That's it princess. Nice and easy".

Soon Dazai's legs flopped down. But Chuuya could see that they weren't out of the woods yet.

"I wanna hold you. Can I?".

Dazai stared blankly ahead of him for a second before nodding.

Dazai felt his body slowly glide into Chuuya's arms. The warmth that engulfed him made Dazia huff.

Chuuya slowly petted Dazai's hair as he whispered sweet nothings to the other.

"You're not there anymore Osamu".

"I love you".

"I'll keep holding you until you're ready to sleep".

"This makes you tired, doesn't it?".

"You're my princess. I'll protect you don't worry".

And so on and so on.

And it continued up until Dazai's eyes slowly shut and his body became heavy in Chuuya's arms.

At that moment Chuuya knew, Dazai was out.

Now that the warmth was gone, Chuuya felt anger swell.

Whoever put Dazai in here was going to die.

By his hands.

While Chuuya was plotting to murder, Atsushi sent a quick text to Kunikida.

"Chuuya's here".

When Kunikida saw that he gulped.

Because he knew he fucked up.

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