A Stalker Pt.3

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The man gently placed Dazai into his back seat. Hopefully he would be comfortable because this was going to be a long ride.

The man was about to get into the car when he suddenly heard someone yell, "Sir!".

He whipped his head around. Confusion struck his chest. He was positive no one would be around.

But when he turned around he was very surprised at what he saw.

Early, before the agency had set out on the rescue mission, Ranpo made a call. To one Edgar Allan Poe.


"Poe my dear! Listen I need a favor!".

"Um okay Ranpo. What is it?".

"Well Dazai has been kidnapped and-", "Oh my god is he okay?", Poe asked.

"Well, from what I can see no. And we need to act fast if we are going to save him in time. Listen to me my dear, this creep has an ability. It's able to nullify others, but unlike Dazai's he doesn't have to touch skin. You just have to be close to him from what I can tell".

"I see...".

"And I know the man knows all agency members. So if he sees us he would surely take Dazai, and himself, out of the picture. So we need someone who isn't an agency member".

There was a second of silence. Followed by a small spark of static. And then finally Poe squeaked out.

"So you want me to go... undercover? Without the help of my ability?".


Ranpo could feel Poe's dread through the phone. He knew Poe. He knew that he was overthinking everything.

"Poe, please help. I promise I won't let anything happen to you".

He heard Poe sigh on the other side of the phone.

"Okay. I trust you".

"Thank you. And just for that tonight I'll bring you home and we-", "Ranpo don't even finish that sentence I'll be there soon".

And with that, Poe hung up.

"So he's coming?", Chuuya asked.

Ranpo nodded, "Yep! My lovely Poe can never say no to me!".

And Poe was now regretting that he couldn't.

Staring at the man through his bangs Poe could feel his stutter building under his tongue.

The mans eyes where... unhinged to say the least. As if he was being hunted by the world. Well, considering he kidnapped an agency member and the lover of Chuuya Nakahara you could say that indeed, the world was hunting him.

Poe also noticed how his hands where inching towards his coat pocket.

Poe gulped when he realized the man probably was carrying a gun.

Oh, he hoped Ranpo was right about nothing going wrong.

"I-I need d-directions", Poe stuttered out meekly.

The man furrowed his brow.


"D-Directions? You know... t-the things t-that tell you where-where to go?", Poe questioned awkwardly.

The man blinked at him. Poe looked over at his car. And through the tinted window he could see an outline.

Poe's attention was brought back to the man when he took a step closer.

"Where are you heading?", the man asked.

Poe internally cringed when he caught a whiff of the man.

He smelled of alcohol and trash. Two things Poe hated the most.

"I am h-heading to-towards-", "Why the fuck do you stutter so much?", the man suddenly asked.

His hand went into his pocket and Poe's stomach dropped.

Ranpo please be right about this. Please keep your promise.

Poe clenched his eyes shut when the mans hand flew out. But when Poe didn't feel any pain he slowly peeled them open.

"Good job there Poe".

"Oh than-thank god", Poe whimpered as he fell to his knees.

Kunikida just smiled as he clipped some handcuffs onto the man.

"Get off of me!", the man cried. Trying in vain to throw Kunikida off of him.

"You are lucky I am even treating you this well sir. Considering you kidnapped my partner", Kunikida hissed as he lugged the man upwards. His gun discarded on the ground.

Poe watched in relief as the man was hauled off to an agency car.

Ranpo came running up to him soon after. He dove down quickly engulfing Poe in his arms.

"Are you okay?", Ranpo asked while helping him up.

"Y-yeah I-I am good".

Ranpo smiled, "Aw your cute stutter is back!".

"R-Ranpo I l-literally almost got s-shot please s-shut up about my stutter".

While the two held each other Chuuya ran to the car. He tore off the door, Yosano following behind for medical support.

And when the door was gone Chuuya let out a breath of relief. Yosano did as well.

"There he is", Yosano snorted.

Chuuya let out a small laugh.

"Yep. There he is".

A/N I just wanted to add a little bit of Ranpoe to this chapter since they are my comfort ship and I just missed writing them. Also the reason Poe doesn't have as bad of a stutter as in my other fanfic is because 1. I was a little to lazy to write that all in and 2. I have this head cannon in where Ranpo helps him with his stutter so he only stutters when he is really stressed out or scared. Anyways that's it for now.

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